Page 61 of Ninth Circle

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“Helen decided that getting rich and making a better life for her and her spawn was where it was at and chose to threaten not only his job but mine and my mother’s life by hiring or trying to hire someone to have us both killed if Dad didn’t stay with her.”

We’d learned more about this after the last phone call. Apparently, the hitman had gotten cold feet and alerted her Dad, but when they went to the cops, he disappeared, so nothing ever came of it. But by then, it was too late; her Dad was terrified, and I guess he knew Helen well enough to know that she wouldn’t stop. The way she’d gone about finding someone was a dead giveaway, and her parents didn’t want to take a chance.

She moved the pen across the paper again as she moved from point to point and I have to admit to being amazed at her thought process. “So, you see, there are many variables to take apart and look at closely. This will decide the punishment each individual will receive.”

Genghis Khan ain’t got shit on her. He destroyed most of the known world over some step-family shit, and this one looks like she’s ready to set the world on fire, or at least her little part of it. “So, what have you decided?”

“Dad has to pay for cheating, no matter what excuse he has; this all started with his dick. Mom was ill; nothing much you could do there. Blaming her for that period in her life is like blaming a newborn for crying at every damn thing. They don’t know no better.” Fascinating.

“Still, checks and balances, her actions caused the reaction that led her husband, my ex-father, to cheat. It’s murky yet, but I’ll figure it out. Helen though, Helen knew what she was doing all along and didn’t stop when he tried to.”

“If that was all I could say, she’d suffered enough so far with what I’ve done, but what she did to me from the age of twelve to eighteen is unforgivable. The fact that she destroyed my teen years with my Dad will never be forgiven, and that brings us to Mitzie.”

“We can argue that she, too, was a child when this whole thing started; we can even say that she learned from her mother. I don’t give a fuck. She took my Dad and robbed me of every father-daughter experience so she could have one herself, even though she had a Dad who was very much alive. She’s a bitch just like the one that birthed her, and I’m going to make them both suffer.”

“She’s in jail and will be for a while because I will let my Dad know once he finds out where she is that if he bails her out, I will never speak to him again. How do you think that will go?”

“She’s already lost everything since all her shit was in that house, and her car is already gone. Oh, and I transferred some funds from her mother to her account before taking it out again to make it look like she stole from her. At the same time, I was making it look like Helen was stealing from Dad. It’s a cluster fuck, but they deserve it.”

“I’m going to destroy her reputation and cost her all of her friends just as soon as I am through destroying her mother’s.” She did that humming thing and slid another piece of fruit in her mouth while wagging her leg over the arm of her chair.

“As for my brothers, they were young as well, and I know they’re always about protecting me. I know also that without Mom and Dad’s permission, they would not have told me anything. I’ll just freeze them out for a few months; they hate that. Which means they will not be invited to my kickass house for at least six months, and I will not be answering any phone calls until I’m damn good and ready.”

“Gigi will be on an information diet. She likes knowing every damn thing that’s going on in my life, so this will hurt her a little, but she hurt me, so…” I just shook my head in awe because there was nothing I could say to that. She hadn’t lied once.

“Dad is going to lose his house, his car, and everything he had in his house. That takes care of the cheating. Now I have to figure out how to make him pay for the years after and especially for bringing those two into my life.”

“What about your ex and the girl he cheated with?” She looked at me deadpanned and said, “Some things should not be written down, ever. No trace, no case.” For fuck sake.


“Who are you talking to?” We’d just left the shower and were getting ready for bed when his phone went off, and he was sitting there typing away like a first-rate secretary. I thought for a second that it was one of my nosy ass relatives.

“I’ll tell you when I’m done.” I just raised my brow because he sounded a bit peeved.

Now, I’m not sure who he was annoyed with, but if my new husband is going to give me attitude on the first day of our honeymoon, that does not bode well for our life together.

I did not argue; I simply walked over to the wardrobe where the maids had hung my clothes, dragged my suitcase down from the shelf in the closet, and started packing.

He was too preoccupied to notice until he took a break in his speed writing tests and looked up. I could see him out the side of my eye but ignored him as I neatly folded my clothes and put them away in my luggage.

I left to go to the bathroom to retrieve my toiletries, all the while pretending he was not even there. “What are you doing?”

“Packing my shit.”

“Why?” Oh, so now you can speak to me in a reasonable tone? He looked around the room as if he'd lost time.

“Because I don’t like your tone. Can a marriage be annulled even after we fucked? I’m asking for a friend.”

He jumped off the bed, phone forgotten and came after me. I didn’t even try to run; I just stood there and looked up at him while he panicked. I guess since he came from a home that wasn’t broken to shit at a pivotal point in his life, he wouldn’t understand my natural instinct to protect myself at all costs.

I might be falling for him more and more each day, but I’ll be damned if I let him or anyone else take me for granted. If your ass is having a bad day work that shit out and keep your shitty attitude in check.

“I’m sorry, it’s just this is annoying me.”

“What is annoying you?”

“Natalie seems to be having a hard time with me getting married so soon after we met.”

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