Page 15 of Ninth Circle

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“What if she doesn’t agree to marry you? What then?”

“Then I might use the house as a bribe to get her to see the error of her ways. That’s a joke. Maybe.”

“Wait, what do you mean you saw it that day? How do you know about that? Did she tell you?”

“Your sister has had her own security team about two hours after she left my sight. They report to me about her safety. Stalkerish I know, but you have no idea the danger she would be in if anyone knew what I felt for her.”

“Who did you tell?”

“No one, but I wasn’t taking the chance that someone might catch on, so I had to put things in place because I won’t take chances with her.”

“How would someone catch on if you don’t say anything?”

“I have no idea how I was looking at her that day, but I know it’s not my usual. There’s always someone watching me, taking pictures of me. I didn’t want anyone catching that look and putting two and two together before I had her protected.”

“Well, that’s kind of…”

“I think your sister would call it anal, Trey.”

“She would!” She walked into the room with her mother.

“I wondered how long it was going to take you to stop eavesdropping and get in here.”

“You knew I was listening?”

“Not at first, no, but I smelt your perfume and knew you were close by.”


I’m not sure that I like the fact that he knows me this well. I’d been standing just outside the door listening. It hadn’t been my intention, but when I got close enough to hear him mention my childhood trauma, it kind of stopped me in my tracks.

No one outside of myself knows the truth in those words. His investigation couldn’t have picked up on that so he had to have spent a lot of time since the time we met piecing the picture of me together.

I love my brothers and know they love me, too, but no one has ever gotten me like this. This was a whole other level of knowing. I was so lost in my head I didn’t hear part of the conversation that carried on around me.

“What was that?”

“I was just telling your brothers that they can’t heal your hurt, that they’ve done all they could do and more, but it’s time for a different kind of healing.” I know this crazy freak wasn’t talking to my brothers about having sex with me. Since he was still walking upright, I guess it went right over their heads.

“Where did your mind go, little Alyssa?” He had the nerve to shake his head at me as if he could read my mind.

“You don’t wanna have this conversation here because I will answer you.”

“It’s up to you.” Oh, this bastard, is he matching wits with me?

“You two can go easy on that. Thank you.” Brian was starting to look murderous while the others tried to keep up.

“What’s going on?” Cam asked, looking as lost as he was.

“Nothing!” Bri answered and gave me the big brother look.

“Come on, boys, I think we should leave these two alone to talk. The girls are waiting back at the hotel.” What the hell, Mom? Way to sell me out? She knows the last thing I want is to be alone with him right now or have this conversation.

“Mom?” Trey looked mutinous.

“Gigi?” I think that’s the first time Dad had called Mom by her nickname in fifteen years. That insane woman had the nerve to wink at me before walking over to kiss my cheek.

“Listen, boys, she’s only got one day to make up her mind. Speaking of which, we have to find a wedding dress.”

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