Page 14 of Ninth Circle

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“How did you…”

“It doesn’t matter how I know, but to your question, I’m going to marry her this weekend in fact. Didn’t you come here for a wedding?”

They looked around at each other before turning back to me. “Did she say she wanted to do that?”

“We were just discussing that very thing when you showed up. That was good detective work, by the way, finding this place.”

“Yeah, well, you left enough breadcrumbs for us to follow.”

“We don’t understand how this all came about, though; there was nothing about that in your dossier, only that you met at a business meeting a few weeks ago.”

“Yes, that’s when I met and fell in love with her.”

“Wait, what? In love?”

“Yes, but she doesn’t know that, and you’re not to tell her.”


“Because your sister is complicated. She has…. trauma.” I looked at the Dad when I said that.

“If I pressure her right now or come on too strong, it’ll just push her away because of the fears in her heart. She’s fooled all of you over the years that she’s fine, but she hasn’t been fine since she was eight years old.”

“What are you saying? Do you think you know her better than us?”

“Not now, Trey. Carry on.” Brian interrupted.

“As I was saying, she’s been living like a robot for the past fifteen years or so. She was willing to marry a man she didn’t love and who obviously didn’t love her. What does that tell you? She has a scar on her heart, and I’m going to heal it.”

“Ask me anything you’d like; I’ll be honest with you. You may even request a lie detector test if you’d like one as well.”

“Let us think, this is a lot to take in, but no matter what, the decision is Alyssa’s.”

“Bri, what’re you saying?” His second brother asked.

“He knows her.” That’s all he had to say, it seems, to get the rest of them to see his views.

“So, what now?” Trey asked.

“Now, we wait and see what she has to say. That doesn’t mean that we’re agreeing to anything just yet. But she should have the first say. Dad, you’re being very quiet.”

“I, uh, I don’t really know if I have the place to do that. It’s obvious he knows about our family background, so maybe he doesn’t think that I am an authority figure in love and marriage.”

“I still don’t understand why you think you know her so well after just one meeting.”

“That’s easy, Cam. I saw all I needed to in the way she handled this last crisis. Stone cold rage. It’s the most dangerous kind there is, worse even than instant rage that burns hot and fazes out. That kind of rage festers and grows and can become very dark.”

“None of this makes any sense. How would this work? Will she have to move to the West Coast to be with you?”

“No, I won’t do that to her; you guys are her tethers; you’ve been her anchor ever since the divorce. No, we’ll be living in her favorite place.”

“You can’t mean the mansion; how do you know about that?”

“I not only know about it, I already bought it.”

“That can’t be; that place isn’t for sale.”

“Everything is for sale once you’ve got the right buyer.”

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