Page 111 of Ninth Circle

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“I don’t get it, but it's okay.” I don’t get it either, but when have I ever claimed to be rational? “As I was saying, once Kevin got over his disbelief, he got pissed. Apparently, he noticed a shift in her behavior around the time we got married. Before that, he knew she was a bit volatile, but he never expected her to go after his son. This is a fucking mess.”

“You still haven’t told me what he plans to do. Is he going to rug sweep? Because I’m not good with that.”

“No, I don’t think so. He’s leaning more towards getting her some help, but we both agree that she shouldn’t be around the baby for a while.”

“So, no consequences, she’s not going to face charges for what she did, it’s all about getting her some help.”

“Alyssa, that’s not how the system works. I can tell you right now her father will not allow her to even step foot in a police station, much less a courtroom.”

I was getting more and more pissed with each word he said. I knew there was some truth to it, but that didn’t make it any easier to hear. “So, what, she just gets away with it?”

“No!” That’s all he said, and now I couldn’t read his expression because he’d buried my face in his chest and held it there with his hand.

“Let’s get you to bed; you’ve had enough for the night.” I wanted to argue but knew that there was no point, so I let him lead me to our bedroom. He helped me out of my clothes that I didn’t even realize I was still wearing, including the killer heals, then pulled his tee shirt over my head.

“Let me see!” He lifted my hands and kissed my knuckles. “You fight like a man.”


“When you were hitting her, you squared up like a boxer. It’s probably very inappropriate, but I’m proud of you.”

“Why? Because I beat your ex’s ass?”

“No, because you protected the kid. Now get into bed, I have some things to take care of. I’ll join you later.” He tucked me in and left me alone with my thoughts. I was a little bit worried about what they were planning on doing with her.

I know these wealthy types like to hide up shit, and from what little he’d said, I get the idea that her Dad, at least, would try to protect her, but there’s no way I’ll be satisfied with that. My phone dinged, cutting off my line of thought, and I got up to answer it.

It was Jacks, which was perfect because I needed to vent. ‘How’s the baby?’

‘He’s okay, he fell asleep. Where are you?’

‘Outside, sorry I didn’t get there in time. I followed her to your in-laws and back, but I stopped along the way to get dinner; I didn’t think anything was going to happen. I’m sorry.’

‘No, you’re fine. But I’m not! I want to hurt her so bad right now.’

‘You want me to do it?’

‘I do, but that won’t help me. Garrett’s taking care of it anyway.’

I was about to start biting my nails, something I hadn’t done since I was about twelve. ‘I don’t think I hit her enough.’

‘Lol! I told you I can go take care of her.’

‘No, I want to make her suffer myself.’

‘Well, I’m out here; just let me know.’

See, that’s what I want to hear in a situation like this. Not how the monster is going to be protected by others. I know what Garrett was hinting at and can very well read between the lines. But I’m not about to let her get away with this.


This shit does not even feel real. I was with this woman for a very long time and never saw this coming. I guess I was a bit naïve to think that her mean-girl attitude didn’t stretch this far, but it’s the truth. I knew she was awful sometimes, especially when dealing with other women, but those were adults.

Now I feel bad that I didn’t see it because I should’ve. There was never any danger of me having kids with her, but still, the thought of what if has been riding me since leaving that house. This is one of those rare situations where I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to feel because right now, I can’t see past the anger.

I know what Alyssa wants to hear, but I’m not about to lie to her. The truth is, some people use their money to cover up much darker shit, and some people still retain their humanity even while becoming uber-rich.

One of the reasons I knew I would never marry Natalie was her family’s stance when it came to that. They seemed to think that their wealth made them above the law, which is weird because my family has always been wealthier, and both Mom and Dad always drilled it into us that they would be the first to turn us in if we crossed the line.

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