Page 73 of Seven Ways Back

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“Fuckin’ shit,” I murmur and find the charging cord for it. I then walk out of my office and smile at my assistant.

“Good morning, Zach,” she gives me a kind smile. “You want me to order you breakfast?”

“Morning, Barb. I think I’m going to walk to the diner a block over and have something there,” I tell her. “I could sure use the walk.”

With that, I am out. A few people high five me on my way to the elevators when I stop to thank them for all their hard work in the last twenty-four hours.

I am starved to death by the time I actually make it to the diner. I look over the menu and wait for someone to take my order. I wish I had my cell phone with me, now I am just sitting here twiddling my thumbs as I wait for the food. What did people do before unlimited cell phone access was a thing?

“Mr. Cavanaugh,” I hear a breathy voice in my ear, startling me from my inner musings about modern technology.

“Sasha,” my eyes widen in surprise when I see Marco Cavalli’s flight attendant standing right next to my table. “What are you doing here?”

“I worked a charter flight this way. We’re going back tomorrow,” she shrugs and gives me a wide smile. It’s like she’s waiting for me to ask her to join me for breakfast. Well, it’s actually lunch time now, I realize when my eyes catch what the large clock on the wall by the register says.

“Hungry?” I finally say when I see that she’s not going anywhere.

“Very,” she bounces up and down a little before dropping in the seat across from me. Her boobs look like they are about to spill onto the table when she rests her elbows on the hard surface. The V neck sweater she’s got on is definitely complimenting her figure, and it’s hard not to notice.

“How long are you here for, Zach?” she asks in a breezy tone once we place our food orders.

“Probably for another couple of weeks,” I run a hand through my hair and become self conscious about it when I see her hungry eyes following my every move.

“Oh, I’ll be back in New York next week again. Maybe we can get together.” Her incredible eyes and body language are sending me all sorts of signals. She is exactly the type of girl I went for while recovering from Hunter walking away from me.

“I’ll be really busy,” I try to be nice about it, but it’s not doing anything for her. She runs her tongue suggestively over her front teeth, then moistens her bottom lip. My eyes follow her moves in fascination, but more so because I can’t seem to be feeling anything when she does all that. So weird.

“My schedule is really light. So I can work around you,” Sasha doesn’t quit. I am gearing up to let her down easy when she takes me by surprise and gets up from her seat, sliding into the spot next to me. We are in a booth, which means the seats are long and allow for close encounters.

“Sasha,” my voice is stern but not rude. She really seems to be a great girl, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings. “I’m…”

“I want you,” she whispers in my ear just as I’m about to tell her that I am married.

“What?” I pull myself away, trying to put some distance between us, but she follows me and basically corners me against the wall, her breasts pushed against my arm, harder than before.

“I’ve always been attracted to you, Zach. I thought you knew,” she licks her lips again, but I feel nothing. I am in shock. How is it that a drop dead gorgeous woman is sending me all the right signals, and I can’t get my cock to move?

“Look, Sasha, I think you’re great, but…”

“Are you still with that girl?” I know she is referring to Hunter. That’s the last time I saw Sasha, when we flew home from Las Vegas. After getting married.

Thoughts of Hunter invade my brain and I smile. I get some movement in my pants when I picture her face in my head. I really love that girl. I only want her. Forever. I need to fix this shit that’s happening between us. I don’t even know why things are as tense as they are between us now. I felt resentment for a while, but it stemmed mostly from my insecurities. I need to get it together and tell her all this.

“That girl,” I push Sasha off me and almost laugh at her confused face. I don’t think she’s been rejected before. “That girl is my wife.”

“You’re married?” Sasha flies off the bench and back to her side of the table. “Why don’t you wear a damn wedding ring like normal people?” she gives me an accusatory look.

My eyes go to my left hand and realize that I never got a wedding ring for myself. I only cared for Hunter to wear a ring so that all men knew that she was taken. I never thought of how it would look for me to get one as well. I want everyone to know that I am taken just as much.

“You’re a great girl, Sasha,” I start but she puts a hand up to stop me from continuing.

“Say no more. This is very embarrassing for me, just so you know. “Married,” she mumbles under her breath and rolls her eyes.

“Can I at least tell you how much I respect the fact that you backed away as soon as I told you that I was married?”

“Yeah, well,” one corner of her lips lifts almost like she wants to laugh, but she pulls it back at the last minute. “My mother would kick my ass if I ever brought home a married man.”

“You really are a great girl, Sasha,” I tell her again.

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