Page 57 of Seven Ways Back

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“I never met her while she was with Ridge,” Chloe sounds apologetic, like she did something wrong. “And they were never at any of the barbecues your parents threw when I was there. Although, I didn’t go to that many this summer.”

“It’s just weird,” I shrug in the empty room.

“Forget about Lexi,” Chloe brings us back in line. “Although, great distraction, sneaky girl,” she snort laughs.

“There’s just so much, Chlo,” I sigh. “And I’m not sure I am ready to share, not until I have it all squared away with Zach.”

“Does your mom know you’re married?” That is the million dollar question.

“I didn’t tell her, but Zach told Marco. And Marco and Ridge are always blabber mouths to each other, so chances are that my brother knows…”

“Which means Aunt Evie knows,” is the logical conclusion. “She is going to flip,” Chloe laughs like it’s the best thing ever. “I love family drama. We haven’t had any in a long time.”

“So glad that my drama entertains you, Chlo,” I tease her.

“You know I’m teasing you, Slayer,” Chloe chuckles in my ear. “Although, I have to tell you, I would’ve never guessed you’d be in the middle of such a shit storm.”

There’s a lone moment of silence followed by both of us bursting into laughter. Mine is a mix of slap happy and nervous to death kind of laughter, but I’ll take it. Better than crying my heart out, right?

Someone is calling me on the other line, and I freeze when I bring my phone down to look at the screen.

“Chlo,” she must sense the urgency in my voice because she instantly stops laughing. “Brooke is calling me,” I almost shout into the phone.

“Oh shit, that’s not good,” Chloe confirms my current fears. “She knows.”

“You think?”

“No doubt in my mind,” she snorts.

The time we take going back and forth, debating if I should answer the call or not, sends Brooke to my voicemail. I let out a sigh of relief, but then the line goes off again.

“She’s calling back, Chlo,” I sound completely freaked out, and I don’t even care.

“You need to answer, babe,” Chloe gives me an encouraging push. “Better have Brooke call you first than your brother, don’t you think?”

I hate that her logic makes sense. We say our goodbyes and I switch to Brooke’s call.

“Hunter Montgomery,” she shrills into my ear as soon as she hears my voice. “Or should I say HunterCavanaugh!”


“Nope, we’re outside your door. Open up.” With that, she hangs up, and I am left staring at the wall with my jaw slack.

Within seconds, I jump into action. I run to the bathroom, grateful that I took the time last night to locate it, scrub my face and put some cream on, wash my armpits and stick some deodorant on, then run back to the bedroom to throw my jeans on. I am still wearing the same t-shirt I put on before we left Vegas, but I don’t have time to think about the level of stink because someone is banging on the front door.

“About freakin’ time,” Brooke’s best friend, Miranda, mumbles when I finally open the door. And did I mention that Miranda is also Zach’s sister apparently?

“Hi, Hunter,” Brooke gives me a way too bright smile, all her teeth on display, her weird colored eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Where’s the baby?” I eye her up and down. “And what about Emmy?” I ask Miranda about her fiancé’s daughter.

“Levi is with Ridge. I don’t know what Emmy is up to, but that’s not why we’re here,” Brooke answers for the both of them.

We end up in a three way staring contest, and I can already tell that I am about to lose. Might as well just give them what they want to hear.

“I married Zach in Las Vegas.” My shoulders slump and I feel like I could just fall to the ground like a cartoon. It’s like someone let all the air out of me.

“I can’t believe we both got married in Vegas,” Brooke is bouncing on her feet, rocking back and forth on her toes, hands clasped under her chin in her signature move.

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