Page 25 of Seven Ways Back

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My face breaks into a grin at hearing her words. It feels strange to do it since I’ve been walking around with a frown on for the past few weeks.

“She didn’t think it was going to work out,” I tell her again. I’ve been telling her this since it happened.

“I want to know why,” she asks again, and I don’t really have an answer. What am I supposed to say? That her mom wouldn’t let her be with me? Because that’s the impression I got when Hunter sobbed her goodbyes in my apartment. Her mom thought she was making a mistake by wasting her time with me. She also thought she’d been wasting her money on sending Hunter to school if she stayed with me.

“It’s complicated, Grams.”

“So? I’m not stupid,” she deadpans. “Give me all the details, and I will figure it all out for you.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re incredibly nosy?”

“All the time,” she shrugs like she doesn’t care, and I know for sure that she doesn’t.

I look at my watch to check the time. We still have fifteen minutes to go until Grams’ appointment with the heart doctor. We got here a little too early, I wasn’t sure how the traffic would be.

“I’m going to go use the restroom,” I stand up to stretch my legs. “Do you need to go?”

“Young man,” Grams’ voice takes on a chastising tone, making me smile. “If I need to go use the facilities, I will do so. I am more than capable. You’re not my sitter,” she huffs again and puts her nose up in the air, arms crossing at her chest.

“Okie-doke, then. Be right back.” I nod to the smiling receptionist who heard our exchange and set on my trip to find the restrooms. Why would they always put them three miles away from where people are, I will never understand. Especially in a hospital. It’s like a maze in here, and now I wonder if I’ll find my way back once I’m done.

I am relieved when I finally see a sign for what I’m looking for. I rush to do my business, then wash my hands. When I open the door, a tad too abruptly, I almost run somebody over.

“I’m so sorry,” the small voice echoes in the hospital hallway, and I freeze. It can’t be.

“Hunter?” My tone is incredulous. What are the fucking odds of running into her here out of all places?

She gasps in shock, and her head snaps up to meet my eyes. Jesus, it is her. And she is looking as beautiful as ever. Maybe a little more tired than I remember her as, but that’s probably normal. Her school schedule must be a bitch.

“What are you doing here?” she almost whispers, looking around us like she’s expecting someone to come snatch her away if she’s talking to me.

“I’m here with my grandmother. To see a specialist,” I further explain even though I don’t need to. “What areyoudoing here? Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m…” She seems to be at a loss for words as she wraps the large sweater she has on tighter around herself. “I’m fine. I think. I actually wanted to c…”

“Miss Montgomery,” a nurse calls from the doorway of a medical office down the hall. “You forgot your prescription.”

My eyes go to the plaque on the door. It says that it is an obstetrics and gynecology office that’s part of the hospital. What does she need a prescription from there for?

Hunter rushes to speak with the nurse and I am left lurking in the hallway. They don’t go all the way inside, but they are not completely out either. If I move just a few steps closer, I may be able to hear what they say. I decide that I have no shame, and do it.

“This,” the nurse points to something on a piece of paper, “you should take at night, right before you go to sleep. You’ll feel better. And the birth control pills, you can make your own schedule. Just make sure that you always take them at the same time of the day. And don’t forget to take them, not even one. You don’t want to have a scare like this again, right?”

I am completely unable to move, my breathing is coming out too fast, and I feel like I am not getting enough oxygen to the brain. Hunter is here to get on birth control. Here I’ve been pining for her like a fool while she’s out there living her best life.

When they’re done talking and the nurse walks away, Hunter turns and slams her body right into mine. Sort of like when I walked out of the restroom. Except that now, it is not a surprise for either one of us.

“Zach,” she whispers, and I cringe. I can’t stand to hear my name on her lips. How was I this incredibly stupid?

“Birth control, huh?” I smirk at her. “I’m glad I got you initiated. Maybe you can put me in the rotation.” I want to take the words back as soon as they are out of my mouth, but I also want to hurt her the same way she’s hurt me.

“Zach, don’t do this. I know you don’t mean it like that…”

I hang my head down in shame. I still want to lash out at her, call her names. Make her hurt the same way I’ve been hurting since she left me.

The alarm on my cell phone goes off. I pull it out to turn it off and realize that I only have five minutes before Grams’ appointment starts.

“I have to go,” I sigh. “You’re right. I’m sorry I said that. You’re free to do whatever and whomever. You don’t owe me anything anymore.” Her face gets paler the more I talk. I’m not quite sure what she expects from me. Maybe to congratulate her on her newfound sexual freedom.

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