Page 14 of Seven Ways Back

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“I trust you,” she tells me in a soft voice, making me weak in the knees. I can see it on her face that she does trust me, she is not just saying it. I cannot fuck this up.

With slow moves, I reach the bottom of her top and pull it up. Her hands come up with it and, before we both know it, it is over her head and off. I drop it on the floor and take her in. She has an off white lacy contraption of a bra which brings her breasts up somehow. I don’t understand it, but I do love what I’m seeing.

With unsure but determined moves, Hunter brings her fingers to the button of her jeans, undoing them and starting to pull them down her hips. I’ve been to strip clubs before, but I am one hundred percent certain that this is the best striptease I’ve ever witnessed. Her panties come into view, and I grin when I see that they match the bra.

When she is standing in front of me in just her undergarments, I have to take a deep breath in, then let it out slowly so that I don’t pounce on her like the animal I feel stirring inside of me right now. It would be really bad if I scared her to death before we even started.

“Your turn?” Hunter points at my shirt, and even though her statement sounded like a question, I can see it in her eyes that she wants me to get naked for her. There is no hesitancy there.

I don’t take my time with it like she did. My clothes come off in record time, my boxers going down at the same time as my jeans, making Hunter laugh when I almost fall over when I try to slide everything over my feet.

“Wow,” she murmurs almost just to herself when I stand up proud and tall in front of her. And not to sound conceited, but I know I look good. I’ve been told that before. Hot, that’s what all the girls I’ve been with said. But they all fade into the background now. I just care about what Hunter thinks of me. I want her to find me hot, and nobody else.

“You are beautiful,” she brings a tentative hand up and touches me with one finger, going over the definition of my abs. Yep, I got them. And I work hard for them, I love when they are appreciated.

Hunter’s eyes drop to my cock, and it moves against my stomach, almost as if to wave hi. I know I am doing very well in that department as well, but having Hunter’s eyes devouring me as they are makes me feel like I am damn Superman in the flesh.

“Not as beautiful as you,” I touch her hips and slowly bring her body closer to mine until her breasts are pressing against my chest. She looks up at me with so much trust in her eyes, I cannot fail this mission.

Our difference in height is more obvious now that she is barefoot, and I have to bend over more to reach her mouth. She feels small and fragile in my hands, all the things that I am not.

I sit down on the bed and give her an encouraging smile. She gets the message and comes down on it too, lying on her back, unsure of what to do with her hands.

“You can pull on my hair when I go down on you,” I tease her when she keeps on moving them from up by her head, to her stomach, to her sides.

“Zach,” she chuckles. “You can’t be funny right now. This is no laughing matter.”

“Says who?” I shrug. “If we want to laugh, we’ll fuckin’ laugh. There are no rules on how to do it.”

“Well, you’re the expert,” she rolls her eyes teasingly. “So let’s laugh away then.”

She says that but when I slide a finger inside her panties, all laughter is gone. She lets out a whoosh of air and lifts her hips for me to pull them down her long legs.

“Very sexy, Hunter Montgomery,” I punctuate each word with a kiss on her lower belly and on her hipbones. “Very sexy indeed…”

My lips move lower to the top of her mound, and I can feel her getting tense. Surely this is not the first time someone went down on her, I think to myself. I get not having done the deed in itself, but covering the rest of the bases would be expected.

“Hunter?” I move my thumb through the neatly trimmed hair down there, wondering how to ask her about it. “Has anyone ever…”

“No,” she doesn’t give me the chance to finish asking my question. “I just never wanted to. It felt… gross,” she winces in apology when she says the word.

I lift myself over her in plank position, nose lined up with her clit. My eyes lift to her face, and I grin. I’ll just have to show her how gross it is not. She will beg me to gross her out like this over and over again.

“Remember that you got my permission to use your hands and pull my hair,” I remind her in a teasing tone to break the tension she’s once again wrapped herself up in.

“Zach,” she rolls her eyes but sticks her hands in my hair, fingers wrapping around my thick strands. However, she doesn’t pull. Yet. Because she will. I am sure of it.

Before I go any further, I remember to grab a condom from my nightstand drawer. I drop it on the bed next to me, then get back in my previous position above her pussy. I run my nose up and down her clit, smelling everything that is Hunter. Her pussy is glistening with her juices already, and I don’t even think she realizes how turned on she is.

I stick my tongue out and run the tip up her slit, stopping short when I reach the little nub at the top, grazing my teeth lightly over it. The hands in my hair tighten just a touch, and I grin. She’ll get there.

“Zach,” she tries to pull my head up and away, but I won’t budge. “I don’t think this is…”

She lets out a scream when my lips wrap around her clit and I suck hard. I bring my hand up and stick a finger in her, running her juices around her slit while I continue to suck. The hands in my hair get tighter the more I do it, a good way to gauge her reaction to what I am doing to her.

I turn my finger around and press it against the front wall of her pussy, looking for that special spot that will set her off. I find it, and I know I am doing my job when she just about pulls the hair out of my head by the roots.

Hunter’s knees press against my shoulders in a weak attempt to wrap around my head. My lips suck hard on her clit, the tip of my tongue teasing it with no mercy while the finger inside her pussy strokes her most intimate spot.

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