Page 13 of Seven Ways Back

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He is right though.

I’m a liar.


Old virgin


Waiting for Hunter to arrive has been complete torture. Watching the clock move is like watching paint dry. But I just couldn’t stop myself from doing it.

At eleven fifty-eight, with two minutes to spare, I hear a tentative knock on my door, and I run there. Not that my apartment is big enough to run through, but I make the trip from the couch to the door in two large steps rather than four smaller ones.

Her beautiful face comes into view when I open the door. I just want to snatch her up, throw her on my bed, and have my way with her. And I will, too, but much gentler for that first time.

“You’re here,” she whispers, large eyes taking me in the same way I do to her.

“Nowhere else I’d rather be right now, Hunter,” I put my hand out for her to take, then pull her inside my apartment.

“I was worried,” she admits in distress. Her bottom lip looks red and swollen like she chewed on it all the way here. I notice the backpack she has on her shoulder and grab it from her. It’s heavy, which is a good thing. It means she packed enough to stay.

“What worries you, baby?” I frame her face with both my hands and wait her out. I understand how this is a huge thing for her, and I don’t want to scare her off. Hell, it is a huge thing for me, too.

“This whole thing that we’re doing,” she confesses in a soft voice. “I want to do it so badly, but I am also scared, you know?”

“I get it,” I assure her.

“You know what else scares me?” Her eyes get larger in her face when she asks that, which I didn’t think was possible.

“What?” I smile and lean down to kiss the tip of her nose.

“That I will die an old virgin. That would be so embarrassing when they do my autopsy,” she gasps.

I freeze for a second, unsure if she is serious about this or just messing with me. The expression on her face indicates that she is dead serious, so I bust out laughing.

“Hunter,” I gasp through the laughter. “I swear I will not let you die a virgin. No fucking way, you hear me?”

She finally relaxes and chuckles a little too, but I can tell that she is nervous as hell. I am not quite sure how to proceed either. I did some online research while waiting for her, and I think I can handle it, make it good for her. She just needs to believe that as well.

“Do you want something to drink? Eat?” I punctuate each question with a kiss to the corner of her lips.

“N-no,” she manages to say, turning her face more toward me to give me full access.

“What do you want to do?” I want to get her naked and get into her right now. But I want to give her the choice to lead us in that direction.

“Uh, I-I don’t know,” she stutters a little. It is the cutest sound ever. I could fall in love with this girl. So fast.

I start walking backward toward my bedroom, pulling her with me, my hands still on each side of her face and my lips peppering kisses all over her cheeks.

I hear Hunter gasp in surprise when we are finally in the room, and I see her eyes trying to look around me. I turn us so that she can take everything in. I tried to make the room as romantic and comfortable as I could think of. I got inspired by some of the things I found online, and I just ran with them.

“You like?” I try to see it all through her eyes, hoping that she does like it. The blinds are closed to block out the daylight coming through the one window I have in the bedroom. I got a bunch of battery operated tealight candles strewn around, along with pink roses that I found at the market down the street. Red just felt too aggressive, and white like not romantic enough. So I settled on pink roses and hoped for the best.

“Zach,” she brings a hand up to cover her lips. “It’s beautiful, I love it so much.”

I see that she is on the verge of tearing up, so I turn her back to me. I push her hair behind her ears, smoothing it down, trying to calm both of us down. Because, let’s be honest, I am a mess at this point as well. And only because this is with her.

“We won’t do anything you are not comfortable with, I promise.”

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