Page 31 of Hot Ride

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“Maybe,” I say, my tone teasing but my heart racing. “Or just... spend time together. You know, if you decide to take that job offer.”

Scarlett rolls her eyes, but I can see the smile she's trying to hide. “You're not going to let that go, are you?”

“Nope,” I say cheerfully, starting the car again. “I'm nothing if not persistent.”

As we turn onto the familiar street of our childhood, I feel a surge of conflicting emotions. There's a part of me that's sad to see this trip end.

I park the car, and for a moment, neither of us moves.

“Ready for this?” I ask, searching Scarlett's face.

She takes a deep breath, then nods. “Ready as I'll ever be.”

As we approach the outskirts of town, the knot in my chest gets tighter. Everything's about to change, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

Chapter 9


Scarlett's hand finds mine, sending a ripple of warmth through me. Her fingers lace with mine, soft and reassuring. I want to savor this moment, to freeze time and live in it forever.

“You're quiet,” she says, tilting her head to look at me with those big eyes that see right through my bullshit. “Are you worried?”

Am I worried? Hell yes. My stomach's tied in knots, my palms are sweaty, and my heart's racing like I'm about to step on stage in front of thousands. But I can't let her see that.

The thought of facing Daniel, my best friend since childhood, with this newfound relationship between me and his sister, is both exhilarating and terrifying. We've been through everything together, from scraped knees to broken hearts. But this... this is uncharted territory.

I force a grin, determined to keep my fear in check around her. “Nah, can't wait. I've got a surprise for him.”

She arches a perfectly shaped brow.

“Relax, babe.” I tug her closer, brushing my lips against her temple. “It's a good surprise, I promise.”

Her skeptical look melts into a soft smile at the affectionate gesture. “If you say so.”

As we drive through the familiar streets of our hometown, memories flood back. The old oak tree where we built our first treehouse, the park where we spent countless summer afternoons, the convenience store where we'd spend our hard-earned pocket money to buy sodas and candy.

“Do you think we should have given him a heads-up?” Scarlett asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “This is kind of an ambush.”

I shake my head. “Nah, we agreed to keep it quiet, remember? Don't want to steal the spotlight from the happy couple.”

She nods, but I can see the doubt lingering in her eyes.

Houses I've known since childhood come into view on either side. Each house, each corner holds a story from our shared past.

Scarlett shifts in her seat, her excitement palpable. “There it is,” she breathes, pointing to Daniel's house.

The two-story colonial looks exactly as I remember it--white picket fence, neatly trimmed lawn, and the old tire swing still hanging from the massive oak in the front yard. How many summer days did we spend on that swing, laughing and dreaming?

I pull up to the curb, cutting the engine. This is it. The moment of truth with my best friend. My brother in all but blood.

Scarlett's already unbuckling her seatbelt but I move slower, prolonging these last moments before everything changes.

What if Daniel doesn't approve? What if this ruins our friendship? The weight of these questions sits heavy on my shoulders as we make our way up the familiar path.

I take a deep breath, squeezing her hand tighter as we reach the front porch. Before I can knock the door swings open.

“Hey, big brother,” Scarlett says breezily. “Surprise!”

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