Page 2 of Hot Ride

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Daniel’s quiet for a moment.

Then he asks, “What about catching a ride with Jett? He’s heading down tomorrow.”

“And subject myself to days trapped in a car with him? No thanks.”

Just hearing Jett's name makes me shiver. Memories from my teenage years flood back. I push them away, forcing myself to focus on now.

Daniel chuckles, the sound warm andreassuring.

“He's not that bad these days, you know. The fame hasn't gone totally to his head.”

I roll my eyes, even though he can't see it.

“Whatever you say, bro. Iappreciatethe offer, but I've already booked my flight.”

“Get here as soon as you can. I need my best girl by my side.”

I swallow hard. “I’ll be there, Daniel. Even if I have to hitchhike.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” he laughs.

His words warm me, despite everything.

“I wouldn't miss it for the world.”

“Love you, sis. Can't wait to see you.”

“Love you, too, you big sap.”


As I hang up, I check the time and curse under my breath. I'm going to be late for work ontop ofeverythingelse.

Grabbing my laptopbag, I lock up and speed-walk to the nearest stop, my heels clicking an anxious rhythm on the pavement.

The time spent riding to work does little to settle my nerves. The city whizzes by in a blur of colors and sounds, but my mind is stuck on thesputteringengine and the loomingmeeting.

What could they possibly want? The memory of that cryptic emailresurfaces, sending a freshwave of anxiety through me.

By the time I slide into my cubicle, I'm a solid twenty minutes late. Sarah, my boss, arches one perfectly plucked eyebrow at me.“Everythingalright, Scarlett?”

I'm about to explain the car trouble and bus delay, but sheinterruptswith a brisk wave of her hand.

“Never mind. Let's get started—we have some news to discuss.”

The rest of the team filters in, their faces etched with worry. This can't be good.I glance around, noting the tense shoulders and nervousfidgeting.Whatever'scoming, it'sbig.

Sarah clears her throat, her gaze sweeping the room with practiced calm.“I'll cut right to it—we'reundergoingsomerestructuringhere at the firm.Unfortunately, that means the entireaccountingdepartmentis being let go, effectiveimmediately.”

Astunned silence falls over the room. The air leaves my lungs in a rush, and my earlierpremonitionconfirmsit in the worst possible way.

“You're firing all of us?”I manage to choke out.

She grimaces, a flash of genuine regret crossing her features.“I know this is a shock. But rest assured, you'll all be given fair severance packages based on your time here. HR will be sending details shortly.”

Therest of her words fade into a static buzz. I sit down heavily, my legssuddenly weak. I'munemployed. My hands are clenched so tightly, nailsbiting intomy palms.

The timing couldn't be worse.

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