Page 1 of Hot Ride

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Chapter 1


Urgent meeting—All accounting staff. 9 AM sharp.

Iblink hard, willing the words to change. They don't.

Forget the usual morning routine—I have no appetite for coffee or a proper breakfast.

Fumbling my hair into a haphazard knot, I silently berate my past self.

Apparently, future-me wasn't a consideration during last night's “one more episode” marathon.

My hands shake as I grab my bag, fumbling with the zipper. But I'm out in record time and sliding into the driver's seat of my trusty old Honda.

Even the familiar scent of vanilla air freshener does little to calm my nerves.

I jam the key into the ignition and twist it. The engine whines in protest, the pistons grinding like arthritic knees.

The car has seen better days but never let me down. Until now, apparently.

This can't be happening, not today, not when I have that meeting with HR, and not when there's so much to do before I take a flight home for Daniel and Jessica’s wedding.

“Come on, come on!”I mutter, my voice rising with each failed attempt.

After the third try, I slump against the seat, defeat washing over me.

The universe, it seems, has other plans.

Jett Silver's latest hit blasts from my phone. My brother set the ringtone–updating the track with every new release.

I reach over to the passenger seat, finding it among the clutter of empty coffee cups and crumpled receipts.

I’m greeted by Daniel and Jessica's adorable couple selfie. Their frozen grins are contagious.

“Hey,” I manage, aiming for casual and missing by a mile. “Is everything okay?”

“Of course, it is, Scar.”

My brother’s voice soothes me. He has this way of convincing you that everything will work out for the best. Optimism is his superpower.

“I was looking over the color-coded schedule you sent—excellent job, by the way—but I didn’t see a travel itinerary. Is it in a different attachment?”

I groan, realizing my mistake. "Ugh, I can't believe I forgot to send that."

I glance at the rearview mirror and wince. My appearance doesn't help my mood at all.

Stray hairs stick out everywhere from my messy bun. It's not even 8 in the morning, and I already feel completely wiped out.

“You've been juggling so much lately–work, helping us plan the wedding–the whole shebang. Don't stress too much,” he reassures me.

“You’re right, I’ve been swamped,” I admit. “But don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.”

I run a hand through my messy hair. “My car broke down this morning. Just my luck, huh?”

I let out a humorless laugh.

“I’m taking the bus to work. I’ll double-check the flight info when I get there.”

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