Page 63 of His to Protect

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I burst out laughing. “He does!”

Carmella’s next words, so very wise, make my chest tighten. “Trust the overthinker who says he loves you. Because he’s thought of every reason not to.”

And I know she’s right. Vin fought his feelings for me, but now I have no doubts in his love and that he will always be there for me and with me. Forever.

As the week progresses, I enjoy my time thoroughly, but begin feeling strange. My stomach has been extra queasy and I even threw up the other day which I never do. I’ve also been getting easily exhausted and needing afternoon naps. Something feels different and I assumed I was getting sick, but by evening I’d feel back to my old self.

After throwing up again the next morning, I’m down on my knees, hugging the toilet bowl, and Vin stands behind me, holding my hair back and massaging my back.

“I think you should go to the doctor,” he states, sounding worried.

“My doctor is in New York,” I grumble. Sitting back on my heels, I swipe a hand over my face.

“We have doctors in Sicily, Hannah.”

Out of nowhere, the nausea passes and when I start to stand up, Vin grabs my elbow and helps me up. “I’m already feeling better,” I insist, but Vin shakes his head.

“I’m not taking any chances. Let’s just see what the doctor says. Okay? Please. For me.”

“Okay” I reluctantly agree, unable to tell him no. Even though I’m not a big fan of going to the doctor’s office and being poked and prodded unless it feels like I’m on the verge of dying, I decide to do this more for Vin than myself.

I’m surprised when the doctor shows up at the house later that afternoon. “A house call?” I ask, completely dumbfounded.

“C’mon, Dr. Adami will check you out in our bedroom. He’s been our family physician for as long as I can remember.”

Trusting Vin, I place my hand in his and meet Dr. Adami. He’s very nice and sets me at ease right away. After asking me some questions in heavily-accented English, he asks if he can take some blood. Even though needles aren’t my favorite thing, I roll up my sleeve and squeeze my eyes shut, clutching onto Vin’s hand as Dr. Adami fills a syringe.

After that’s done, he tells us he’s going to check my blood and will call us later with the results. Glad that’s out of the way, Vin and I end up lingering in the bedroom, getting frisky up against the wall. Then over on the bed and then somehow we end up on the floor. At that point, I’ve exerted quite a bit of energy and I’m feeling drained again, so Vin pulls me into his arms and we lay down together on the bed.

Curling up against his warm body is relaxing…so very soothing…and I listen to our rapid heartbeats slow down and begin to beat in unison. I’m just drifting off to sleep when Vin’s cell phone starts vibrating. He presses a quick kiss to my head and stretches an arm out, grabbing his phone off the nightstand.

“Hello?” he murmurs. I assume it’s one of his brothers, but he doesn’t say anything for a long moment. The minutes stretch by and I’m dying of curiosity. Then, Vin says, “Grazie,” and hangs up.

“Who was that?” I ask.

“Dr. Adami.” His voice sounds hoarse and I frown.

Oh, no, is something wrong? He looks so serious and I instantly assume the worst.

“Oh!” I pull back and sit up, eyeing him closely. “What’s wrong? What did he say?”

Vin slowly sits up and his green eyes lock hold of mine, looking a little stunned. “Well, he said you’re pregnant.”

My jaw drops. “Oh, my God.” I’m trying to get a read on him and I think he’s just as surprised as I am. Granted, we have been having unprotected sex ever since our hot encounter in his car, so it shouldn’t be too shocking. Still, the idea that I’m going to be a mother makes me so nervous and excited and, suddenly, I’m sweating because Vin hasn’t said a word and I have no idea how he’s feeling. “Vin…are you happy?”

“I’ve never been happier in my life,” he says and clears his throat. “There’s, um, more.”

“More?” My heart sinks. “What do you mean?”

“He mentioned higher, ah, hCG levels than normal.”

What does that mean? Panic fills me. “Is something wrong with the baby?”

“No, no he said those kinds of levels usually mean…multiples.”

My brow scrunches together, not quite understanding what he’s saying. “Multiples?” I echo. “I don’t?—”

Then it hits me. Oh. My. God.

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