Page 62 of His to Protect

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“Business?” I ask, knowing full well that it is always business.

His scowl only deepens at my question. “I need to take this.”

I hear Angelo bark, “Why are you calling me?” as he stomps away. For a moment, I’m curious as to who it is he’s talking to, but then my beautiful wife appears, wrapping her arms around me, and I instantly forget about everything else.

“Hello, Mr. Rossi,” she murmurs, her hands sliding up over my shoulders, her fingers locking behind my neck.

I press a kiss to her lips and pull her closer. “Hello, Mrs. Rossi.” My hands caress up and down her back, so very tempted to dip and curve around her ass.

“Have I told you how much I love your family?”

“They are pretty amazing. But I think you should meet my parents.”

Hannah pulls back, eyes widening. “I’d love to.”

“Then how about a honeymoon trip to Sicily?”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course. And I have no doubt that they’re going to love you.”

“Not as much as I love you,” she declares.

My grin widens and I’ve never been more happy in my life. “Are you ready to blow this joint?”


“I was ready to go an hour ago,” I tell her, pulling her tighter against me, letting her feel my arousal.

“Oh, my. Well, in that case, we probably should. I want to make sure my husband is happy and well taken care of.”

“You can take care of me all night, Angel. And I will happily return the favor.” She giggles and then I kiss her deeply. How did I get so damn lucky?

My wife. My life. My angel.




Afew weeks later, I’m sitting beside Vin on a comfy, cushioned rattan couch on the sunny back porch of his parents’ Sicilian villa. Salvatore and Carmela Rossi are in their mid fifties and I can see where Vin and his siblings get their good looks from. The older couple is still striking and so full of life. Their energy and humor are contagious and their enthusiasm and zest for life makes me smile. When Vin and I are their age, I hope we’re exactly the same way.

We’ve been out here, laughing for the past hour, and enjoying getting to know each other better. I’m so glad we came here to visit and I adore his parents. Of course, a part of me wishes Vin and my mom could’ve met. I’ve told him how much she would’ve loved him. He comes with me to the cemetery and we visit whenever I feel the urge to be closer to her. Although I know she’s in my heart and always will be, I still like to sit beside her grave and bring her flowers.

And there are always plenty of fresh flowers to bring her because Vin brings me flowers every single day. He loves spoiling me and always puts my happiness and well-being above all else. I’m not sure what I did to deserve him, but I am so damn grateful.

After finishing some delicious limoncello, Carmella tells the men she wants to spend some time alone with her new daughter-in-law. Then she links an arm through mine and leads me forward, past a bubbling fountain and into the fragrant gardens.

“You, my dear, have brought love back to my Vincentius and I can never repay you.”

A blush steals across my cheeks. “I love your son very much.”

“Oh, I know. I can see it. You both glow with amore.” She sends me a knowing look. “He wasn’t always like this, as I am sure you are well aware. Vincentius had been deeply hurt before.”

I nod and let out a soft sigh. “He told me about what happened and how his heart had been broken. It was hard at first—getting him to open up and tear down his walls—but I’m so glad he’s finally let me in. I wasn’t sure he would.”

“Because Vincentius overthinks everything.”

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