Page 43 of His to Protect

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Even though I always stop and talk to Liza, I can’t right now. I’m too upset and I hurry past, my head down and head straight for my door. The key shakes in my hand and it takes me a few times to get it open. Once I’m inside, I quickly shut and lock it then turn around, lean back and slide down to the floor.

Overwhelming emotion and a fresh onslaught of tears pour from my already-puffy eyes. Damn Vincentius Rossi. Damn Dexter Creed. And, most of all, damn me for falling head over heels for a man who doesn’t want me.

It hurts and I press a hand over my heart. I truly thought we had something special, but he refuses to acknowledge it. Why does he say he can’t give me what I want? What is he so afraid of? If he felt anything toward me, wouldn’t it make sense that he’d want to try? That he’d want to be with me, too?

I’m not sure how long I sit on the floor. I guess until I’m all cried out. Eventually, I drag myself up and head into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, unbutton my blouse, shimmy my skirt off and freeze when I realize that my panties are still in the backseat of Vin’s car.

“Oh, God,” I groan and slide a hand down my face. Could this day get any more worse? As if in answer, there’s a knock on my door. My heart jumps up into my throat and the first thing I think is it’s Vin. Grabbing my bathrobe off the back of the door, I slip it on and hurry to the door. Pulling it open, I frown at the delivery man standing there and holding a huge vase of blood red roses.

What in the world?

“Hannah Everson?” he asks.

“Uh, yeah.”

“I have a delivery for you.”

He hands it over and the vase is heavy and weighs a ton. “Do I, ah, owe you anything?” I ask, not sure of the protocol since no one has ever sent me flowers before. “A tip or?—”

“Everything has been taken care of. Just need a signature.”

“Oh, okay, hang on.” I turn and set the flowers down on the table and then scrawl a quick signature on his ipad.

“All set. Have a good day.”

“You, too,” I respond and slowly shut the door. I’m beyond confused. Looking for an answer, I walk over to the vase and pluck the card out. Hoping they’re from Vin, but knowing that’s impossible since I just left him, I unseal the envelope and frown.

Dearest Hannah, I won’t hold you responsible for what happened tonight. This is all Rossi’s fault and he will pay. You still owe me dinner, though, and I shall collect, sweet girl. Apologies for what happened and I will make it up to you. I promise. Looking forward to the next time, Caleb.

“Ughhh,” I groan and drop the card. I don’t want his stupid roses and I certainly never want to see Caleb Durant again. I hear a distant buzzing and walk over to my purse. Pulling out my phone, I check the caller ID, but it’s flashing “unknown.” A part of me is tempted to answer, but I don’t and, instead, I let it drop into voicemail. A moment later, there’s a beep signaling a new message.

After hitting a couple of buttons, I lift the phone to my ear and listen. And, of course, it’s the last person on the planet who I want to be hearing from.

“Hello, Hannah, it’s Caleb. I hope you received the roses okay. Their beauty pales in comparison to yours—” I roll my eyes, “—but, a man can try. My apologies that things got out of hand and our dinner was ruined. Rossi is a loose cannon who will have to be dealt with. Clearly. But don’t worry your pretty little head about that. I’ll call you later so we can reschedule our dinner. I have a feeling once we’re able to spend more time together, you’ll get to like me even more. I tend to grow on people.”

Yeah, just like a wart, I think.

“Have a good night and we’ll talk soon. Ciao.”

A shiver runs down my spine when I think about meeting Caleb again. But, really what choice do I have? He’s threatening to take over Rossi Vineyard and I can’t let that happen. Plus, his comment about Vin being a loose cannon who will have to be dealt with leaves me more upset than I was before.

Should I warn Vin? I let out a sigh and realize Vin can take care of himself. I’m the last person he wants to see or hear from. Which leads me to my next dilemma—should I quit the only job I’ve ever enjoyed. A job that I’m good at and like waking up in the morning to go to? A job that pays me an obscene amount of money and provides me with endless perks?

Because the truth is I can’t handle working so closely with Vin every day. It hurts too much.

Instead of heading back to the bathroom to take a shower, I wander into my tiny kitchen and pluck a bottle of wine out of the cupboard. Of course, it’s a fancy bottle from Rossi Vineyard that Vin gave me to try. At this point, I couldn’t care less about how it tastes. I just need some alcohol to take the edge off and dull my senses. Ideally, I’ll get stinking drunk and pass out before I start crying again.

Because the worst thing in the world has happened to me. I’ve fallen in love with an emotionally-unavailable man. Sure, he’s given me his body—several times—but he keeps his heart locked up tight and far out of my reach.

Why, dammit? What happened in his past to make him so closed off? I wonder.

I wish I had an answer, but I don’t. Vin never told me anything about his past or any previous relationships he’d had. But I have a good feeling that the answer lies there. Most likely, some uncaring woman fucked him over and, as a result, he shut himself down and doesn’t allow himself to become emotionally-invested or serious. It’s a tale as old as time, right?

And that’s a damn shame because Vincentius Rossi would make the most amazing boyfriend or husband. He’s caring, considerate, protective and an amazing lover. I don’t think he even realizes how wonderful he is and that makes me sad. It’s more than a damn shame. It’s a tragedy.

But what can I do?

After fighting with the cork, I pour myself a big glass of dark red deliciousness and take a long sip, praying for sweet oblivion to come fast. Three glasses later, after curling up on my couch and crying some more, I finally fall asleep.

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