Page 42 of His to Protect

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Vin is my hero and my protector, but he gets super close and then pulls away. Every time. It’s mentally exhausting and I don’t know what he wants from me. Other than a fast fuck in his office or car. And that makes me sad because I want so much more. I know we have the potential to be so damn good together. Why can’t he see that? Why won’t he take a chance and leap with me?

Glancing over, I study him and wonder what he’s afraid of? His handsome face is set in hard lines and angles, and he’s glaring at the road ahead. A part of me is ashamed that I gave in to him so easily just now, but there’s no use fighting the overpowering connection constantly trying to pull us together. We’re like two magnets, constantly drawn to each other. Fighting the pull is useless.

Even though I want to talk about what’s happening between us, I press my lips together and remain quiet until we reach my apartment building. But the urge to discuss our relationship overwhelms me. I have to know where Vin’s head is at. Does he care about me at all? Or am I just a conquest? A little girl to be toyed with until he grows bored?

Vin puts the car in park and stares out the windshield, looking slightly wrecked and confused. As though he can’t quite grasp what’s happening either.

“Vin? Can we talk?”

“Okay,” he says slowly. His attention finally turns to me and my heart catches. He’s so damn handsome and I reach over and wipe my lipstick off his face.

I think it’s time to take a leap of faith and ask what he wants. Just be blunt and forthright. Once I know where he stands with me, with us, we can either move forward together or separately. Although the latter hurts so badly, I don’t want to even think about it.

“What’s going on?” I ask quietly.

“What do you mean?”

“Between us?” I clarify even though he knows damn well what I mean. “One minute you’re hot and the next—” I gesture between us, “—you’re cold. Am I just a game to you? Another notch on your bedpost? Or, do you see a potential future with us?”

There. I said it. Bracing myself for his answer, I hold my breath and stare into his amazing green eyes. And, instead of answering my question, he glances out the window again.

“This isn’t a very good neighborhood,” he murmurs. “You should move somewhere safer.”

I merely blink, confused by how he’s trying to avoid my very serious question. Then, I get annoyed. “That’s not what I asked,” I state, my voice turning cool and full of aggravation. “Besides, it’s really none of your business where I live.”

He focuses back on me, green eyes narrowing slightly. Finally, I get a reaction from him.

“It is, though,” he insists. “I want you safe.”

I let out a frustrated breath. “Honestly, Vin, why do you even care?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I ask you something and you completely ignore me.”

“I’m not ignoring you, Hannah. I hear every word you say. Every comma. But…” He swipes a hand down his face. “I’m not the man for you.”

Confusion sweeps through me. “Why would you even say that? You’re amazing, Vin, and?—”

“I don’t do serious relationships, Hannah,” he says, cutting me off. “I can’t give you what you want.”

My heart sinks. “How do you know what I want?”

“You deserve a man who can give you forever?—”

“I’m not asking for forever! I just want to spend time with you and keep getting to know you better. You can’t deny how good we are together, Vin, so don’t even try.”

His lips remain tightly pressed together and he knows I’m right, so he doesn’t even try to deny it.

Feeling a surge of confidence, I press forward. “What do you want from me, Vin? An employee or a girlfriend?”

When he doesn’t say anything, merely shakes his head sadly, I have my answer. White-hot anger pours through me, but, really, I have no one to blame but myself. Vin has been nothing but honest and upfront with me from the beginning. I’m the one who chose to give him my virginity. He’s made me no promises which means he’s broken none, either.

Throwing the car door open, I hop out and slam it shut. The earlier sunshine is gone and the sky is dark with the threat of an approaching storm. It matches my mood perfectly and I do my best to hold back the tears until I get inside. So he can’t see me or how upset I am.

The moment I step into my building, the tears start streaming down my face in a torrent. Sobs tear from my throat as I rush up the stairs, unable to see anything in front of me. It’s just all a blur and I make the stupid mistake of running straight into Liza Dixon, my nosy neighbor.

“Hannah! Are you okay? What’s wrong, dear?” she asks.

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