Page 36 of His to Protect

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“Never. And she’s not my woman,” I instantly say, getting defensive.

“Isn’t she?” Miceli asks, eyeing me closely. I frown because, as usual, the man is far too damn perceptive.

But I brush them off with a shrug, not wanting to get into my mix of crazy emotions and how Hannah is everything I want, but I’m too scared to make her mine. Besides, what’s the point of them meeting her when she’s not my girlfriend? And she never will be.

I grit my teeth, realizing just how much that thought bothers me.



Working on the corporate side of Rossi Vineyard is unlike any job I’ve ever had before. Normally, I’m on my feet all day and running around like a mad woman, trying to please customers at the diner, most of them cranky and cheap tippers. But the office environment here is laidback and everyone is so nice.

Well, everyone except Vin. For whatever reason, every time I come around—which is a lot because I’m his assistant—he gets a pole up his ass. It’s not that he isn’t professional toward me. He is. Very much so. But I can’t help but notice he’s getting grumpier and grumpier every day. I’ve been working with him for three weeks now and have done everything to be the best assistant possible to him. I answer his phone, schedule his appointments, talk to the distributors, make coffee and do lunch runs, and so much more. He even told me he’s giving me a bonus. Yet something seems to be bothering him.

Today, I’m not sure what crawled up his ass and died, but he’s in a mood. A very sour one. No matter what I do, he’s getting annoyed and seems vexed about every little thing. I’m not sure if it’s me or he’s got something else going on that’s upsetting him. But, I’ve never seen him so…bothered.

The truth is I miss the relationship we had when we first met. But sleeping with the boss isn’t who I am. So, instead, I’ll do my best to keep up with his mood swings.

My phone buzzes and I see Vin’s number flash on the screen. “Hi,” I say, not meaning to sound so out of breath. But he makes me feel all so sultry and sexy. “What do you need?”

Shit. The double entendre isn’t lost on me. I pull my lower lip into my mouth and meet his eyes through the glass. My desk faces his office and his blinds are wide open. He’s staring at me…hungrily?

“Can you come in here?” he rasps, shifting in his chair.

“Sure.” I hang up the receiver, stand up and smooth my skirt down. It’s important that I dress up for work now and, since I’m making way more money than ever before, I treated myself to a shopping spree. It was so nice not to stress over having to buy new clothes and to simply enjoy picking out a whole new wardrobe. I really enjoy getting to dress up in skirts and dresses every day. High heels, too. It makes me feel more sophisticated and I do not miss my apron or old shoes I used to wear at the diner. I feel so much fancier now and the fact that I’m helping Vin makes me happy.

Although, he doesn’t look very happy at the moment. He looks almost uncomfortable. Stepping into his office, I breeze up to his desk and smile at him. “What do you need, Mr. Rossi?” I ask, trailing my fingers along the edge of his desk.

Okay, so maybe I’m taking the formal thing a little too far. But this is my first professional job in the workforce. I want to give a good impression.

Something flashes over his face and I notice his hand tighten around the pen he’s holding. “You don’t have to address me so formally,” he reminds me. “I’ve told you that.”

“I know, but it’s fun.”

“It’s not fun,” he grumbles. “It makes me feel old and sounds like we barely know each other. Call me Vin.”

“Okay, sorry…Vin.” My attention zeroes in on the stack of papers in front of him. “Do you need any copies of anything? Or, how about anything mailed? I could walk down to the post office?—”

“Actually, I could use another coffee.”

“I’ll run down and grab you one.”

He reaches for his wallet, pulls out a twenty-dollar bill and hands it over to me. The moment our hands touch, it’s like a shock zips between us, jolting through me with electric force. I yank my hand back then automatically meet his intense gaze. His eyes are like two swirling pools of green heat and I squeeze my thighs together because I remember that look only too well.

Vin Rossi wants me. And, I mean as more than just his assistant. But it’s not a line we can cross. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.

Vin clears his throat. “When you get back, I need your help with some marketing decisions.”

My brows shoot up. “Marketing decisions?” I echo. That’s placing a lot of trust in me when I don’t have any experience other than running errands and simple tasks.

“You have a good eye and I want to hear your opinion on some things we’re rebranding.”

I can’t help but stand a little taller. “Okay. Be back soon.” Turning around, I walk out of the office with a pep in my step. This is exactly what I was hoping for—a chance to prove I’m smart and a quick learner. One day, I’d love to move up and take on a more challenging position. But, for now, I enjoy working so closely with Vin even though he hasn’t smiled at me much lately.

There’s a coffee shop located right in our building on the first floor, so I take the elevator down and grab Vin his usual espresso and myself an ice-blended mocha. It only takes less than ten minutes before I’m back upstairs and handing him his drink.

“Thank you. C’mon, let’s go into the conference room.”

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