Page 3 of His to Protect

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Love is a fool’s paradise. The simple truth is that instant attraction is nothing more than lust. Pure unadulterated sexual desire. A body’s immediate reaction to simply want to mate with another body. Those stupid chemicals released in the brain help trick a person into thinking he or she is “in love.” But, the truth is, the yearning is merely a desire for physical release. Nothing more.

I learned that the hard way. It was a damn painful lesson that took me a long time to come to terms with and process. But now I know that love isn’t for me. It’s just…too damn painful.

Pulling in a deep breath, I nod and pretend interest in the slides my brother is flipping through on the white screen with a little clicker. Miceli is always so organized, determined and he’s the sharpest leader I’ve ever encountered when it comes to ruling an empire. He’s not only book smart, but also street smart. And he’s ruthless in both arenas. If someone crosses him, or anyone in our family, Miceli will end them. Not long ago, Rocco Bianche, a rival, kidnapped Miceli’s wife, Alessia. Big mistake. We managed to rescue her and it all ended on a happy note. Well, except for Bianche. He’s no longer breathing.

That’s what happens when you cross the Rossi family.

“Earth to Vin.”

I look up, caught daydreaming, and give Miceli a lopsided grin. “I’m listening.”

“Really?” Miceli rolls his eyes. “Then what did I just say?”

“You said it’s time to wrap this meeting up, big brother.”

“No, I didn’t,” he states dryly. “But nice try.”

Beside me, Angelo chuckles and I know my youngest brother is ready to get the hell out of here even more than I am. Ang has the attention span of a gnat and would much rather be out traveling the world or trying to seduce some poor, unsuspecting woman. He’s a consummate player and, I swear, he has a new girlfriend every week. Probably because he gets bored easily and no one has managed to keep his interest for longer than a few weeks. Glancing over at him, I can’t help but be a little envious. He’s so damn carefree, lives his life to the fullest and nothing ever seems to bother him.

Me, on the other hand? I’m the broody, moody, sensitive one who got his damn heart broken because he was stupid enough to give it to the wrong woman. And, five years later, I still can’t get over it. No matter how hard I try. Even in my own head, it sounds pathetic.

I truly thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with Cynda and then I caught her fucking another man. Bitch. My heart shattered on the spot and I vowed to never let a woman that close to me again.

Since my ill-fated love affair with Cynda, I’ve come up with a series of rules for myself which will prevent anything similar from ever happening again. Celibacy isn’t an option, so now I’m careful to keep my walls high and my heart guarded. Locked down completely. Fucking is fine; falling in love is not. As soon as the fucking is over, I leave. There’s no cuddling or whispered words, no sweet lies exchanged. And I don’t ever bring a woman back home to my place or allow her in my bed. Instead, I always get a hotel room or we go back to her place. The less personal it is, the better.

With all my rules, it’s actually been a while since I’ve had a night of letting loose and enjoying a woman for an hour or so. I never linger and I make that clear upfront because I don’t play games or want to lead anyone on. I’m not a liar like Cynda and I make my true intentions clear immediately—I’m not looking for anything serious. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. All I can offer is some late-night debauchery. Then, I’m gone.

Oh, and I never do repeats. I’m a one and done man. It’s just easier that way and prevents any kind of emotional entanglement for either of us.

“So, what’s the verdict?” Enzo asks, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “Are you stepping up, Vin?”

I nod. “Yeah, why the hell not? I really enjoy dealing with the Rossi Vineyard side of things. Thanks, Miceli, for believing in me.”

“We all believe in you, bro.” Miceli slaps a hand between my shoulder blades. “You’re going to have to go into the office every day, though. You realize that, right?”

My mouth edges up, along with my middle finger. “Kinda figured,” I say dryly.

Angelo visibly shivers. Sometimes, I think my youngest brother is allergic to offices. “Look on the bright side, Vin. Now, you can hire yourself a hot-ass assistant.”

“You are going to need an executive assistant,” Enzo states.

“My advice?” Miceli shoots me a serious look. “Choose a man or a married woman over sixty.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t sleep with employees.”

“There’s always the temptation,” Enzo comments and we all look at him. He practically lives at his office downtown. “Why’re you all looking at me like that? I’d never eat where I shit. I’m just saying it’s been known to happen—with other people.”

“Yeah, let’s all just keep it that way.” Miceli drops the clicker on the table.

“Guess we can’t all be as lucky as you, Miceli,” Angelo says teasingly. “A gorgeous wife and adorable son—#goals.”

“Ang, you wouldn’t know what to do if you were stuck with the same woman day in and day out.”

In perfect Angelo fashion, he starts scratching his neck like a rash just cropped up and shifts in his seat, looking extremely uncomfortable at the thought. “To each his own, right? I can’t help it. When I, ah, shop, I prefer to buy the variety pack. Having the same meal day in and day out gets a little…boring. No offense, Miceli.”

But my older brother just grins, hearts and flowers in his eyes. “None taken. You poor foolish boys have no idea. Meeting and marrying Alessia was the best thing that ever happened to me. She’s my reason for everything.”

Enzo shakes his head. “I still can’t believe the Great and Powerful Miceli Rossi has been brought down to his knees by a tiny, wisp of a woman.”

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