Page 27 of His to Protect

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Now I’m wishing I would’ve kept her here and that we were back in my bed. Because, goddamn it, Hannah Everson rocked my world last night. I woke up every hour and wanted to start kissing and touching her again. But, I didn’t. I held myself back, fought my desire, knowing that she was probably sore and tired. Then I forced myself to let her go, slid out of bed and went out on the balcony to try and clear my head.

It didn’t work. A shower didn’t help either. Nor did getting dressed and drinking coffee. At some point last night, I not only fucked Hannah, I fucked myself. Because as much as I want to deny and ignore it, I care about her. My angel is sweet, innocent and kind. She’s exactly what I’ve always wanted in a partner, but that’s what scares the hell out of me. Hannah is all the things that my ex wasn’t, but I refuse to open my heart again. It’s not worth the inevitable pain that always happens because relationships never last. No matter how badly you want them to. I learned my lesson the hard way—but I did learn it and I refuse to be one of those fools who repeats a mistake.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Even though I’m keeping my walls up and heart guarded, maybe we can still be physical. Sure, my emotions will be kept in check and locked down tight, but maybe she’d want to have a physical relationship. I know she deserves more, but I simply can’t give it to her. I can, however, give us both more pleasure and make sure she has a body and bed to keep her warm.

Dammit, I know I’m walking a slippery slope and I need to be careful or I could fall for her. It would be so easy to do, too. Spending the day with Hannah wasn’t an option. Not when I’m trying to keep my distance from the tempting beauty.

So, like a stubborn fool, I spend the day all alone in my big apartment and torture myself with thoughts of Hannah and how amazing it felt when I was deep inside her sweet, wet heat. At some point, I growl in frustration and grab my phone. I’m really fucking confused and need some advice. Since Enzo already knows about the auction, I call him. Enzo suggests we meet at the bar for a drink and he wants to hear all about the auction and what happened.

It doesn’t take me long to reach Maximilian’s, an upscale place where businessmen like my brother Enzo hang out. I think Enzo will help me figure out the situation. He may be a little younger than me, but he’s a level-headed businessman. He’s also a charmer who never lacks women. Enzo understands the danger of being a billionaire mafia son and what it means when everyone looks at you with his or her hand out.

I spot Enzo at a corner table, nursing a whiskey, and I walk over and sit down across from him.

“Hey, big brother,” he says in greeting. “What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

Enzo can read me only too well. “How about that fucking sex auction you sent me to the other night?”

He instantly sobers. “I’m sorry, Vin. I had no idea it was like that. I just thought you might be able to go and pick up somebody. I didn’t realize you had to pay for it.”

“One-hundred fifty six thousand dollars, to be exact,” I murmur under my breath and motion to the waiter to bring me a whiskey like my brother’s.

Vin chokes. “What? Jesus. That pussy better be sparkling with diamonds and come with a 401K for that amount of money.”

I hesitate. He doesn’t realize yet that I actually bid on someone. But, again, Enzo can read people extremely well and his dark eyes go wide.

“Wait. Are you saying that you bought someone?” he asks incredulously, his dark eyes going comically wide.

“I bid on her and won, yeah.”

“Holy fucking shit.” A huge grin fills his face. “Never in a million years would I have pictured you paying for sex.”

“We didn’t have sex.” I hesitate, thinking over what happened. “Well, not that night.”

“Oh, my God, Vin, what the hell have I missed in the last two days?”

I nod my thanks as the waiter places a glass of whiskey in front of me. God knows, I need some alcohol before I launch into this clusterfuck of a story. After a long, satisfying sip, I focus on my brother. “I was about to leave the auction when a woman walked onto the stage and I knew something wasn’t right. She looked terrified and a couple of creeps started bidding on her. So, I outbid them and got her out of there.”

“Such a hero.” My brother grins from ear to ear.

“Shut up, Enzo. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t even be in this mess.”

“How’s it a mess? Sounds like you got yourself a woman.”

I suppose he’s right, but falling for Hannah is a huge problem. “Her name is Hannah. Dexter Creed, the loan shark, was forcing her to auction her virginity off to pay her debt back to him.”

My brother’s face screws up in distaste. “Fucker,” he grumbles.

“Yeah, big-time fucker.”

“Sorry, bro. I swear I didn’t know it was that kind of auction.”

I shrug a shoulder. “I got her out of there and we spent the night together, but nothing happened. Not until last night, anyway.”

“You slept with her?”

I nod, suddenly feeling like the world’s biggest heel. Did I take advantage of her? No, she’d practically thrown herself at me and said she wanted to repay me. Of course, that wasn’t necessary, but I still took her virginity.

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