Page 17 of His to Protect

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I’ll hire Hannah to be my executive assistant and pay her an outrageous salary so she can move into a better place. She said she didn’t like her job at the diner and why would she? I can offer her something much better, stable, and, at the same time, I can keep a close eye on her. Keep her close to me.

Losing her mom was hard and the idea of her being all alone in this world guts me. Not anymore. From this point forward, Hannah has me. She may not know it yet, but I’m going to make sure my angel is taken care of. I have the means, so why the hell not? No woman has snagged my interest like this in so long. Which, of course, makes me nervous…it also makes me damn excited, too.

Take it easy, Vin, I warn myself. One step at a time. I’ll see if she’s interested in working at the wine company—why wouldn’t she be?—and then we’ll go from there. We’ll have a nice dinner tonight and see how everything goes. I know she said she didn’t want to go anywhere fancy, but screw that. I’m planning to wine and dine her like never before. I’m going to take her to the nicest restaurant in the city and feed her until she can’t eat another bite. She’s getting something better than a damn grilled cheese tonight. I plan to spoil her rotten. I can only imagine how hard her life has been lately with her mother passing and I want to take all of that pain and stress away.

I’m going to need some help, though, and I pull up Carlotta’s number.

“Hi, Vin, what’s up?” she answers.

“Hey, Lottie. I need a favor.”

“Oh? What?”

I’m the self-sufficient brother, so I can hear the curiosity in her voice. “Keep this to yourself, please, but I need you to pick out a nice outfit. Maybe a dress? And then have it sent to the address I give you.”

“For who?”

I can hear the curiosity in her voice.

“A woman,” I say, keeping it vague.

“Okaaaay. Obviously, duh. C’mon, give me more than that.”

“No details yet, nosy.”

“Well, I’m going to need to know a few things. Like where are you going, what size does she wear and what color is her hair?”

“Why do you need to know her hair color?” I ask suspiciously.

“Because…” Her voice trails off as she searches for a plausible answer. “So I can pick a color that will be flattering.”

“Sure.” Somehow, I don’t quite believe her, but I tell her, anyway. “She has blonde hair, blue eyes and she’s tiny. But curvy.”

“Sounds like you’ve been busy, big brother,” she teases. “She sounds pretty.”

“She’s more than pretty.”

“Where did you meet?”

“I don’t have time to get into details. Can you help me out or not?”

“You’re lucky I have some free time and that you’re my favorite brother.”

I roll my eyes. She tells us all we’re her favorite brother. I rattle off Hannah’s name and address and my sister promises me she’s on it.

“Thanks, Lottie. Put it on my tab and don’t spare any expense.”

“Oh, you bet I will. Are you sure you don’t want me to hand-deliver the outfit myself? Because I can.”

“No, nosy. Have a courier take care of it, please.”

“Oh, alright.”

“Thank you.” I disconnect the call and shake my head. Carlotta is the baby and we all love her dearly, but she has to be the nosiest person I’ve ever met. She’s always up in everyone’s business and loves to gossip. I hope she doesn’t decide to deliver the outfit she picks out, but there’s no controlling my little sister. If she wants to do something then she’ll do it no matter what we say.

A smile tugs at my mouth and I realize how damn much I’m looking forward to tonight and dinner with Hannah. Maybe if I’m really lucky, I’ll get another kiss. If I’m supremely lucky, perhaps I’ll be fortunate enough to share her bed again.

A man can dream, right?

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