Page 13 of His to Protect

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He seems to be considering my question carefully before answering. “I think we should stay here until morning. Just in case anyone is keeping tabs.”

“Why would they keep tabs?”

He shrugs a shoulder. “Honestly, they probably aren’t, but I don’t know how this whole thing works and if we leave early, it might draw attention. And I don’t want you back in the spotlight for any reason. I’d much rather we lay low for the rest of the night, stay under the radar, and leave bright and early. Is that okay with you?”

“I think so,” I answer quietly.

“You can trust me, Hannah. I know you have no reason to, but I won’t hurt you. I swear it.”

I want to tell him that I believe him and trust in his promise, but the words feel like glue in my mouth, all stuck together and unable to come out. He’s a stranger and I don’t trust easily. Plus, I keep remembering how much money he paid for me. How can anyone just be able to afford to throw that amount of money away and not even blink?

“Are you really rich?” I blurt out. I probably sound rude and I instantly backtrack. “Sorry.”

His mouth edges up and I shift on the bed, trying to find the right words.

“I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact you basically flushed all that money down the toilet. Yet, you don’t seem to care at all.”

“First off, I think that money went to a very good cause. Don’t you?”

“I guess so,” I say slowly.

“And, second, to answer your question—yes, I have enough money that it doesn’t matter.”

“Oh,” I whisper. He must be a millionaire. “Can I ask what you do?”

“My family owns a very prosperous vineyard in Sicily and I’m in charge of running the American division headquartered here in New York.”

My brows go up. “Wow. That sounds like a very important job. I can see why you get paid the big bucks.”

Vin barks out a laugh. “Well, if I’m being completely honest, I’m technically not starting my new position as president until Monday morning.”

“Are you excited?”

He shrugs a shoulder. “Excited isn’t the right word. But, I look forward to having something to do.”

I’m not sure when I became so curious, but I can’t stop asking this man questions. “Do you get to visit Sicily a lot?”

“I go back at least a couple of times a year. My parents still live on the island.”

“Oh, that must be nice. I’ve never been there.” I tilt my head, studying his dark Italian good looks. The man is ridiculously attractive and when he looks at me with those stunning green eyes, my ovaries flutter. “Can you speak Italian?”

He nods then leans closer and says a string of beautiful, foreign words in his deep, low, intoxicating voice. And, if my ovaries fluttered before? Now, they just burst. Holy hell, hearing him speak in Italian is so freaking sexy. For a moment, I’m not sure how to respond.

“What did you say?” I finally manage to ask, feeling more than a little flustered.

He sends me a panty-melting smile. “I said I’m glad you’re safe, in here with me and, despite the earlier circumstances, I’m happy that we have this time to get to know each other better.”

“Ohh.” My heart does a weird little flip-flop in my chest and, when I switch my position on the mattress, there’s no denying it. My panties are wet.

Before I can say anything else, our food arrives. The moment I get a whiff of it, my stomach growls in anticipation. Vin tips the server then carries two covered plates over to the bed. I pull the lid off and breathe deeply. A grilled cheese and fries never looked so good. I grab a half, sink my teeth into the gooey deliciousness and and moan with undisguised delight and appreciation. “This is the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had. Thank you, Vin.” He pauses before biting into his hamburger and has the oddest look on his face. “What?”

“Nothing,” he murmurs and takes a bite, watching me closely as he chews.

It doesn’t take me long to devour my sandwich and attack my fries. Swiping one through a pile of ketchup, I munch happily, studying my savior. And, to my surprise and delight, he’s studying me right back. Caught staring at each other, we both smile and my face instantly flushes.

“So, Hannah, what do you do? Are you in school?”

I shake my head. “No, I work at a diner.”

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