Page 6 of Chasing His Nanny

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I really need a new job.

I can’t do this.

I can’t see him every day and know he’s actively looking for a partner when he always claims he doesn’t want anyone else.

“What will you do if I don’t change my day off? You know what my mother is like,” I ask.

“Their grandparents have asked to see the children more often. I’ll ask them.”

I swallow. “I’ll let you know.”

Chapter 3


“Thank you everyone. Good job,” I say, turning away from the operating table. My job is done.

It’s just another routine surgery. Still, I’m glad it went smoothly. It was a non life-threatening procedure, but that never stops the relief I feel when I know my patient is breathing. And when they wake, they’ll be well again.

After I remove my mask, I snap off the rubber gloves and scrub my hands and forearms. I dry my hands with paper towels before I leave the surgical area and head down the antiseptic smelling corridor toward my office.

Still unable to stop thinking about Bree.

I don’t know what happened to me when Bree left for the US. Or what happened to the way I thought about her since she returned? But something has shifted. And it’s not only me.

I sense she is looking at me differently, too.

I shake my head.

I can’t understand why Bree is suddenly on my mind more than she was. Not that I didn’t notice before her trip. How could I not? She’s full of life, and as bright as her hair. But now it’s so much more.

The entire time she was in the US, I missed her smile. I missed her laugh, and the way she made my girls happy. The house seemed empty without her there.

I thought it would be just the girls who’d miss her, but I missed her, too. She’s not coiffured and high maintenance and I love that about her. Love the way her hair is so unruly and bouncy, just like her, and the way her green-eyed stare bores into mine.

“Dr. Havers,” a female calls from behind me.

A voice I recognize.

I plaster a smile on my face as I turn and glance over my shoulder. “Afternoon, Dr. Landers.”

She quickens her pace to catch up with me.

“How many times? Please call me Geri,” she says with a cluck of her tongue.

I don’t offer her the same deal. I like to keep my professional life separate from my personal life. In the hospital, I am Doctor Havers, nothing else.

I don’t dislike Dr. Landers. After all, she’s a good doctor. She’s diligent and her patients love her.

Me, not so much.

Like is as good as it will ever get.

“I was hoping to catch you.” She lifts her arm and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she tries to catch my eye.

It reminds me of Bree when she’s flustered. She plays with her red curls before she even realizes she’s doing it, and when she does, she quickly pushes the tendril behind her ear and her face flushes as red as her hair.

Though Geri’s doing it in a flirty way.

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