Page 59 of Stealing Second

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I guzzle mine down and fill it up again.

My phone rings, and I go and grab it. Seeing Hudson’s name on the screen, I hit Accept.

“How was the drive?”

“That motherfucker changed the locks,” he sneers.

“Hold on. What?”

“That asshole father of ours shoved all our shit into the garage and changed the locks on Grandma Hart’s house. He’s fucking living here, Rome.”

I scrub a hand over my face. “This has got to be a mistake. The man knew she was on her way out and didn’t come see her before she passed. Now he waits for you two to leave, and he’s squatting in her house?”

“She never changed her will, Rome.” Jillian sniffs. “The cops came and told us we could have a two-hour window tomorrow to pack up our stuff, and then we aren’t to return.”

“What fucking cop!” I roar then drop my ass on the couch.

“You know what cop.”

“That piece of shit has no right to her place. And my ex’s father has no fucking right to give you a damn window.”

“You know why he’s doing this, Rome,” Hudson huffs.

“Yeah, I fucking know. When I didn’t make the pros, his daughter dumped me because being with a teacher was beneath her.”

“Gonna guess it was more to do with you telling her to go fuck herself when she came sniffing after you got called to play for the Jags.”

“This is a fucking mess, man. I have a series starting tomorrow, and I can’t?—”

“It’s all good. We’re?—”

“It’s not all good. I need to be there. I need to?—”

“You need to be in Jersey,” Mom cuts me off. “Hudson has us in a hotel. Jillian is emailing her professors to see if she can finish the semester online. We’ll get everything that we can loaded up, and he can keep the rest. It’s just a house and material things, Roman. Home is wherever we are together.”

“Let the old shitbag have it.” Jillian snorts.

“I’d rather burn it to the ground than let him have it. I’m going to get a lawyer and fight this.”

“For what?” Hudson asks. “Aren’t you the one who told me to stop carrying around shit that was weighing me down? I love her, man, but not all my memories here are of good times. Watching your face get busted open against the doorjamb? Nah. Screw it, yeah?”

I lean back and run my hand over my hair. “Yeah, I know, but the fact that he couldn’t wait till Jillian graduated? That’s sickening.”

“I’m surprised he waited this long,” Mom says then laughs. “You boys wanted us closer; it’s just happening a few months earlier.”

“You’ll stay here.”

“That’s the plan, man.” Hudson chuckles. “Until your season ends. Then you can all come hang out at the lake.”

I glance up when I see red hair in my peripheral vision. “Love you three. Call me if you need anything. Chat later.”

They say their goodbyes, and I hit End.

“Everything okay?”

I push up off the couch. “Yeah, you want a drink?”

I grab the glass and hand it to her. She takes it and frowns.

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