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Knowing something I can’t see is watching me.

Sensing the predator there, just beyond the faint light the rising moon provides.

Shuddering, I raise my hand and do the unthinkable—knock at The Beast’s door.


The honey-blond-haired woman in the skin-tight black dress and red stilettos raises her small hand and knocks at the front door. Even with her hesitance, the sound reverberates through the clearing and to me.

So foreign.

Something I haven’t heard in decades.

Evidence of someone invading my territory.

Definitely uninvited and unwelcome.

I bite back the snarl that threatens to slip from my lips. Her eyes have already darted this way once, and I don’t need to give her any more reason to search for me in the darkness.

Better to watch from the shadows to see what she does when I don’t answer the door.

Get back in her car and drive away?

That would be the wise decision and a lucky result for her after daring to set foot on Barker Mountain.

Stupid girl.

I tighten my grip on the axe in my hand until my fingers ache, forcing myself to remain still and silent, the same way the predators who lurk in these woods do when they’re hunting their prey.

The way I do before I kill something.

And she would be an easy mark.

Those shoes…

That tight little dress barely covering an inch of her thighs…

The way her small frame trembles violently…

Though at least fifty yards separate us, I can still see the fear in her wide eyes, which just happen to be set in one of the most beautiful faces God ever graced this planet with.

She might as well have stepped straight off a Renaissance painting, some sort of goddess sent to tempt me and destroy my refuge on the mountain…

Flawless, peachy skin that practically glows in the moonlight streaming onto the porch. High cheekbones surrounded by flowing golden curls. Toned legs for days and flared hips my fingers itch to sink into.

The intruder is stunning, in a dangerous way, but she wouldn’t last a second in these woods.

Or with me.

She shouldn’t be here.

The moment the motion sensors went off at the base of the driveway, I held my breath, praying the car wouldn’t turn in, that no one would be stupid enough to try to come up to the peak. But tracking it all the way up the road and into the clearing proved that someone is dumb enough.

This pretty blonde.

Pulling her red bottom lip beneath her teeth and chewing on it, she takes a few steps back and stares up at the house, looking at the windows on each floor as if she might see something different from this vantage point.

There isn’t anything to see.

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