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I glance at Callista, knowing full well I might not have without her help. “I did. She confessed everything. Admitted killing Raymond Rosewood, admitted being the one in control of the Barker organization for the last thirty years, and even admitted she killed our father to seize power.”

“Jesus, you got all that?”

Not easily.

It took both Callista and me baiting her for Wendy to walk directly into the well-crafted trap.

“I did, all on camera and audio set up in the room with us, not to mention video evidence of the hit squad she brought with her.”

“Do I need to send a unit up there to handle them?”

I tug the door open again and pull Callista into my side as I step out onto the porch. Staring out into the pitch-black woods, I listen to the familiar sounds, searching for one specific one.

A sharp snarl cuts through the night air.

Callista shudders and snuggles closer against me.

I wrap my arm around her. “No, they’re being taken care of…”

An exasperated sigh slides through the line. “You know our deal, Mr. Barker, immunity for all the information you have on the Barker family dealings and your sister. That does not include you getting your hands dirty tonight.”

“Don’t worry, Agent Dean, my hands are clean, and you’ll have all the evidence you could possibly need.”

Between the confession I got tonight and the journals and ledgers I’ve kept for the last several decades secured upstairs, Wendy won’t be leaving a jail cell for a very long time, if ever.

She’ll die there.

And when it comes time to bury her body, she won’t be getting a place in the family cemetery.

They can bury her in a pauper’s grave, for all I care.

It’s what she deserves and far more than she ever gave any of her victims.

“Good. I’ll call you when we have her in custody, and we’ll be up at first light to start work on the property as we agreed.”

“I’ll see you then, Agent Dean.”

I end the call and slip my phone back into my pocket, wrapping both arms around Callista.

She tips her head up, concern furrowing her brow. “Everything all right?”

I nod as I stare out at the dark night, the occasional sound of something purely animal and aggressive cutting through the air. “I will be. We will be. It worked.”

Her grin lights up her face, and I smile down at her.

For the first time in my life, I actually believe the words I just said.

It will be all right because I can finally put the curse and The Beast to rest and just be content here with my Beauty.


Six Weeks Later


Standing in front of the massive windows in the library, staring out at the sun rising over the valley below Barker Mountain, for the first time in my entire life, I can truly take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy its beauty.

I can see why Callista comes up here so early every morning to witness this.

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