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Can’t trust in my words.

Why should she?

All I’ve done is keep things from her and do things to push her away. I should have embraced her from that first night, offered her true comfort and companionship instead of trying to buy her affection. Every single thing I’ve done has been wrong, yet somehow, I still ended up winning.

Because I have her in my arms now.

And can’t lose her again.

I will not let Wendy destroy the first true thing I’ve ever had that was actually mine.

Callista has seen the worst of me and still welcomed me into her heart and body, and I will not lose that precious gift any more than I could pull that trigger when Father asked.

I gently nudge her head back until I can see her eyes. “You have my word, Beauty, and I never break that. Never.”

Another tear slides from her eye, mixing with the rain still falling from the branches above us, but she gives me a tiny nod of acknowledgment. I kiss her fiercely, inhaling the sweet taste of her lips when what I really want is my mouth on her cunt right now.

A groan vibrates through my chest at the mere thought of her riding my face, and I tear my lips from hers. “Let’s get you inside so I can finish you off before I finish my work.”

Her eyes flare slightly, and her pussy clenches around my still-hard cock buried inside her. If she keeps doing that, we won’t get back to the house anytime soon.

Reluctantly, I drag back my hips, pulling out of her and eliciting a little whimper. We both feel that loss of connection instantly, the chilly damp air hitting our wet skin, and I chuckle at her little shiver, then slowly release her head and reach down to tug up her underwear and pants.

I slip them back into place and do the same with my jeans while keeping one hand on her hip to steady her. She watches me expectantly, and I scoop her up into my arms, fighting a grin.

Her lips curl into a smile, and she wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles deep. “And we’re back to this…”

My laughter floats through the air as I make my way through the trees and rain toward the house. “I guess so, Beauty.”

Only this time, she can’t walk because I’ve made her legs useless with my cock, not because she was running away terrified.

I finally break free of the trees and cross the clearing to climb onto the porch. My gaze naturally drifts to the gap between the boards where Callista’s heel got stuck that night, and I grin at her.

“Do you still have those heels up in the room?”

Her brows rise, and her own gaze darts there before she grins. “I do…”

“Good. Because I have ideas. So many ideas.”

And once all this is behind us, I will be using them.

I open the front door and step into the foyer, using my booted foot to close it behind me. The warmth of the house emanating from a massive fireplace draws me into the living room, and I set her down on the chair where I spent so many nights alone, staring into the flames and dreaming about things I never thought I could have. Like the beautiful woman before me, settled in my chair, eyes still hooded, a dreamlike quality over them.

“Wait here, Beauty.”

She nods, and I stalk over to the fireplace to stoke it, adding on a few more logs to ensure it will keep going until I’m finished with her. The flames catch almost instantly and tower up, the scent of the burning wood soothing as I inhale a deep breath.

Despite the damp clothes and skin, heat rushes through me as I turn and look at Callista.

Her blond hair darkened and matted down by the rain, T-shirt and pants clinging to her curves, muddy shoes resting on the wooden floors.

She’s a beautiful mess.

But only one word comes to mind, screaming through my head so loudly I’m surprised she can’t hear it.


I was an idiot to think I could bring Callista Fox into my house and she would ever leave, that I would ever be able to let her go.

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