Page 75 of Flight of Fancy

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“Hey, I like that one. It looks like a tube of lipstick and packs a punch.” I’ll show her a punch. Arianna lightly tapped her fist against Elle’s arm. “Do you know how many orgasms I’ve given myself while thinking about you?”

“No, because you don’t share.”

“You don’t share how often you’re thinking about me!”

What a rueful grin! “Some things are private, huh?”

Arianna turned the vibrator on its highest setting, determined to wave it beneath Elle’s nose. “Does this look private to you?”

“I mean, I could put it on your privates.”

The vibrator shut off. “Huh?”

“It’s a euphemism for your pussy.”


“Which is a euphemism for your vagina.”

“Oh! My cunt!”

Elle slapped her hand over her mouth, eyes bugging out of her face.


“You said cunt?”

To be fair, the way Elle said it was delectably sensual, with such a hard T at the end that Arianna turned into a shuddering puddle, no vibrator necessary.

“Did I say the wrong word?”

“That’s like the rudest thing you can call it in America.”

“How about Australia?” That was where Arianna had learned the word “cunt,” both as a term of endearment and as a way to refer to one’s entire reproductive region.

“Pretty sure that’s how you say hello in the southern hemisphere.”

Arianna held the rounded end of the vibrator up to her mouth like a microphone, narrowing her eyes and forcing her voice out as if she were an investigative reporter. “Cunt.”

“Oh, my God, give me that.” Elle snatched the device from Arianna’s grasp. “You are silly with your hair down. Who even are you?”

Arianna leaned against the headboard, not bothering to fix her pajama top buttons that threatened to expose everything beneath their silk threads. “Your girlfriend.”

“Just for that, I’m using this on you.” Elle turned the vibrator back on. “Right now. Open your legs.”

Arianna crossed her arms and mentally glued her thighs together. “Make me,” she sweetly teased. “Come get this cunt.”

She may not be able to say it with the same native gusto that Elle had, but it still had an effect – and that was all Arianna required.

“I don’t wish to be presumptuous,” Elle teased as her hand languidly ascended the length of Arianna’s spread thigh. “but I think you might be almost done.”

Arianna sank deeper between the two large pillows propping up her head and torso. As her scalp slid down the velvet headboard, her hair flopped into her face, a sensation she was not used to in front of another woman. I am soooo getting used to it, though. In all of her years of knowing another woman’s body, she had never been so comfortable with her own. Not like this. I’m not even completely naked, but I’ve never been so uncomposed in front of someone. To think, it only took dating the same woman for a few months to draw this out of her!

Perhaps there was something to that. Something for her to explore with a trained professional some other time.

“I’ll decide when I’m done,” she lazily said in Mandarin, and only because she stopped herself from saying it in Malay, the one language she did not share with Elle. “Come on. Give me more. I can handle it.”

The small vibrator buzzed above her head. “I’ve already lost this thing inside of you twice. Why should I risk it again? I’m not taking you to the ER for this.”

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