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"I remember that like it was yesterday. Dawson looked at me with his adorable, lopsided grin, and then he made the understatement of the year. 'That wasn't what I planned.' I couldn't do anything but laugh some more, and I kissed him. We climbed back into bed, and the rest of the night was fantastic. We weren't perfect at what we did, but it was real, and it was us, and that made it unforgettable."

Theo stretched his long arms over his head. "You know what? I think we could use a little distraction from all this heavy conversation. Want to help me with the exhibit? It will give you something different to think about. All of those feelings about Ronan aren't going anywhere."

It sounded like a perfect diversion. "Sure, why not? I'm no art expert, but I'm good at following directions. I've done what coaches tell me to do for years."

Theo grinned and led me out of the alcove. "We've got some paintings to hang and sculptures to place. This isn't rocket science, but a steady hand and a good eye are helpful. There's nothing worse than art thrown around randomly."

While we worked together, handling delicate pieces carefully and discussing lighting for each work, the fog in my mind began to clear. The active work provided welcome relief.

Theo shared a nugget of wisdom when we stepped back to admire a particularly striking landscape. "You know, I think art is a lot like love. It doesn't need to be perfect to be beautiful. Sometimes the imperfections and unique elements are what makes it memorable."

I considered the sentiment. "I think I'm starting to understand. With Ronan… I don't have to be flawless. I just need to be real."

Theo clapped me on the shoulder. "Now, you're getting it. Trust yourself and trust Ronan, and the rest will all fall into place, like that little kids' toy cube where you have to fit the squares into the square holes. It will all go together like that."

"Geez, Theo, that sent my thoughts in odd places—pieces fitting into holes. Sorry, I won't go there."

Theo laughed. "You already did. Anyway, look around you. I think the gallery is almost ready to open. Tomorrow, I'll have my assistant check everything over, too, but it looks great."

In one day, we'd transformed the gallery, and I had a different, more relaxed understanding of my growing relationship with Ronan. I pulled Theo into a warm hug. "Thank you… for the talk and the distraction… and everything. I definitely needed it."

"Anytime. That's what friends are for." Theo pulled back and looked me over from head to toe. "Now, go get ready for that dinner date, and remember, be yourself. That's more than anyone could ask for."

Chapter nine


Scattered conversations buzzed in the lobby of the Grand Harbor Hotel amid the clinks of glasses from the adjacent bar. I fidgeted, sticking my hands in and out of the pockets of my tailored chinos while I kept a close watch on the door.

Finally, Tyler appeared. He made my heart flutter, dressed in a navy blazer that drew attention to his broad, athletic shoulders. When our eyes met, his face broke into a smile guaranteed to chase away any gloom.

"Ronan!" As always, his voice was warm and soothing, with a slight gravelly edge. "You are… wow, you look amazing."

I blushed slightly. "The same could be said for you. That blazer was a perfect choice."

We left the hotel and stepped out into a warm summer evening. The sun was a few minutes away from dipping below the horizon. Its last orange and pink rays reflected off the windows of the storefronts along Main Street.

As we strolled side-by-side along the sidewalk, I caught periodic whiffs of Tyler's cologne. It was a sporty fragrance with crisp notes of mint and orange blossoms, fresh and unexpected, like Tyler's appearance in my life.

I launched into conversation. "Please, tell me about your day. I missed you."

He responded with enthusiasm, waving his hands as he spoke. "Oh, man, Ronan, it was great. I mean, I missed you, too, of course, but I got to spend most of it with Theo at his gallery. I got to dig right in and help him set up a new exhibit, hanging paintings and positioning sculptures.

I grinned. "I'll have to see the gallery. I didn't know he had one, but I guess I didn't ask either. Maybe I'll find an empty spot on the wall in my apartment back in California for something I can buy from him."

Tyler continued to bubble over with excitement about the exhibit. "There's this one piece; it's a massive sculpture made of twisted metal and colorful shards of glass. What blew me away is that if you look at it just right, it looks like a flock of birds are taking flight. That's not just gallery owner language. It does look like that."

"Even better than going on my own, maybe we should go together, and you can give me a tour."

"I'd like that." Tyler smiled. "I'm no art expert, but I could definitely show you my favorites, and Theo has those formal descriptions up for everything."

As we crossed the street, I remembered what Tyler mentioned on our phone call. "You said you had some personal stuff to sort out. Did you get that handled?"

I saw a brief flicker of hesitation before he answered. "Yeah, all is good. I got to talk through it all with Theo. He's really excellent at helping me to see everything in the right perspective."

The Italian restaurant was Bella Notte. A red, white and green Italian flag hung just outside the door. Inside, the warm glow of candlelight set the atmosphere, and enticing aromas of garlic and tomatoes hung in the air. The host for the evening, a man with salt-and-pepper hair, greeted us.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Do you have a reservation?"

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