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I suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to protect him and serve as a human shield against any potential threats to his wellbeing. "Here," I reached out with my hand. "Grab hold and let me help."

He hesitated. I imagined his pride at war with his need for my assistance. Finally, he reached out, grabbed my hand, and let me guide him over the most difficult parts of the trail.

We made slow progress as I looked ahead, anticipating any other hazards. Ronan gripped my hand tightly, and I listened to his ragged breathing. He could have turned back, but I admired his dogged determination to keep moving forward.

When we reached a particularly tricky section, a mess of half-exposed roots and loose rocks, Ronan stepped onto a stone ledge that broke free of the soil beneath him. He stumbled, and his body plunged forward. He landed in my arms.

Instinctively, I held on tight, wrapping my arms around his waist. We froze in place, our bodies pressed together with our faces just inches apart. His chest rose and fell against mine as he struggled to catch his breath.

Time seemed to slow to a stop, and I could almost count the flecks of gold in his eyes and every freckle that dusted the bridge of his nose. He parted his lips enough for his breath to brush the side of my neck. My longing was so powerful, I found it hard to breathe.

Finally, Ronan laughed shakily. "Guess I should watch my step."

The rest of the trail was much easier and we soon emerged on the top of the bluff. The view of miles of open Lake Michigan water was stunning. It was an endless sweep of deep blue. Ronan stood at my side, and we simply stared, both overwhelmed by the incredible vista.

I followed him as he stepped closer to the edge of the bluff. "There," he pointed down over the edge to a small break in the long shoreline. "Just like he said in the letter. That's the cove."

Moving up close to him, I looked over the edge. It was a perfect horseshoe formation. The water was even deeper blue in the center of the pool. "What does it mean?"

Ronan rubbed his chin. "I don't know, but Great-Uncle Ian mentioned it in both the letter Gus gave us and his journal that I found in the safe-deposit box. It has to be a piece of the overall puzzle."

After deciding that the descent was too steep and risky to head down to the cove, we sat at the edge of the bluff, staring out over the miles of Lake Michigan before us. I couldn't focus on much other than Ronan's presence at my side. He had a way of filling up the empty spaces in my thoughts. Every nerve ending in my body wanted me to reach out and touch him.

"Ronan…" My voice was shakier than I wanted. I cleared my throat before I spoke again. "I… I think I should tell you something."

He turned to look at me, and his eyes were dark, a deeper blue than usual. "Yeah? What is it?"

I swallowed hard while my heart stuttered in my chest. "I've never… I mean, with a guy, I haven't…" Realizing, I couldn't find the right words to express my emotions, I stopped talking, worried I might accidentally say something I would regret.

Ronan reached out to place a hand on my knee. I gasped, feeling a wave of electricity sweep through my body.

"Tyler… it's okay. We don't have to… I mean, if you're not…"

I immediately cut him off. "No, that's not it. I really want… damn, Ronan, I know I want… "

Slowly, wanting to give him time to pull away if it wasn't what he wanted, I reached out and pushed forward, cupping his face in my hands. His beard was soft and ticklish under my fingertips.

I steadied my words. "Ronan, I want this. I want you, more than I've ever wanted anything."

He looked at me, past my eyes, to my heart and then leaned in, his lips hovering close to mine. With a final soft sigh, he closed the distance completely and pressed his lips to mine.

Ronan's lips were soft and warm, his beard brushed against my smooth skin, the prickly sensation making my toes curl in delight inside my hiking boots. I tasted the faint hints of coffee and cinnamon on his tongue and felt his heart pounding against mine while we held each other close.

I kissed him like I was drowning, and he was my only source of air. He gripped the back of my head and tilted it slightly, positioning me for the optimal kiss. His tongue parted my lips. A low moan erupted from deep inside while I slid one hand down to his hips, desperate to feel his body, the architecture of his muscles beneath his skin.

Ronan's hands roamed over my back, exploring the contours of my body through the thin fabric of my shirt. I arched into his touch, wanting more, craving the touch of his bare skin against mine. I nipped at his bottom lip, relishing the rumbling moan that bubbled up from his chest.

When we finally pulled apart, we both gasped for breath. Ronan closed his eyes momentarily. "Damn, that was…"

"Yeah," I agreed. "Twice as good and intense as I ever thought it might be."

"Round two?" Ronan asked, with a sparkle in his eye.

I didn't answer in words. Instead, I wrapped my arms tighter around his body and kissed with even more passion than before. Our tongues danced together in my mouth while he rubbed the inside of my thigh. It was like the entire world narrowed down to only the two of us, lost in a perfect moment.

Pulling back to take another breath, Ronan said, "I need you to know… this isn't just… I mean, I'm not… "

I held his face in my hands and rubbed my right thumb over his beard. "Yeah, I know, me, too."

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