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"It's fine. Really." She smooths her hands down her dress.

"I'm sorry. I didn't really think about it. It's customary for the bride-to-be's family to host all the wedding events. But I am just so excited! I’m like this with all my kids." Sarah presses her knuckles against her lips. "I mean... I can share."

She seems deflated. I touch her arm and smile at her. "I'll go try to rein them in. They're just reacting to the engagement, I'm sure."

River slides a wide-eyed glance at me. But now is not the time. I start off toward my aunt and my mom. "Hello, hello," I say as I glide up behind them.

My aunt startles, and then her look turns haughty. "Well, look who finally showed up to her own party," she scolds.

"Here, taste this," Mom says. Without waiting, she thrusts a spoonful of red rice out at me.

I smile and accept the bite. As always, it is delicious and well-spiced. "Mmm." I nod, then put my arms around the two women. "Your food is excellent. Now can I ask a favor, since it's my party?"

My mom looks annoyed but nods. I’ve seen this before. Food used as a weapon. It’s up to me to keep the peace between our two families. And talking my mom down is the first step.

"Can you step away and let the cooks finish this up?"

Delta looks over her shoulder at Sarah. "These people were going to serve veal cutlets and sauteed chicken breasts. The most boring meal imaginable! And they were going to have servants bring everybody individual dishes of every course. When I suggested a buffet, that chef snorted." She fixes her eyes on me. "I mean, can you imagine? I was cooking when he was in diapers."

Sneaking a look back at the chef she's talking about, I stifle a laugh. He's a young man with dark hair and light skin, probably around my age.

"You set him straight," I say. "Now, let's go and get out of their hair. Mom, I want you to sit by me while we eat. I feel like it's been ages since I have talked to you."

She turns to me and hugs me hard. Then she gives me a kiss on the cheek before releasing me. "I am excited for you, baby. I love you, Pearl. And I’ll love that white man like a son if you tell me I should."

I clasp her hand in mine and tow her toward River and his mom. "Let's go out to join the rest of the family. What do you think?"

When we get out into the living room, River locks onto my mom and turns on the charm. “Thank you for coming to our engagement party. I know Pearl is kind of worried about our two families getting along. But I don’t think it will be a problem. I thought maybe we could take some time to get to know one another.” He flashes her a smile. “Maybe you have some pictures of Pearl as a baby?”

My mom looks at him for several seconds and then holds out her arm.

“I have albums full of photos. Let me get my phone.”

For the next twenty minutes, the two families begin to thaw out and slowly mix. I stay with Glory, chatting about the South Shore’s new community center. River acts enthralled as my mom monopolizes all his time showing him picture after picture of my childhood.

Sarah comes up and asks for drink orders, ever the hostess. "Can I fix you ladies anything to drink? Sweet tea? Sparkling lemonade?"

Delta peers at her. "I wouldn't mind a sweet tea."

Sarah practically runs to a discreet bar set up in the corner of the living room. My mom pulls her glasses down her nose, eyes the bar, and then heads off that way.

I release a breath. River grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to murmur in my ear. "Do you think everyone is buying it?"

"Buying what?" I ask. He looks at me funny and then the pieces click into place. He's talking about our engagement. I gesture to the crowded room. "I would say so."

He swings his gaze around, then sees his stepdad approaching.

"Watch out. I've been expecting Sam to put in an appearance with the newly engaged couple. Be ready." River's whole body tenses up.

I rub his back, whispering in his ear. "Don't let him scare you."

This might be the first time that I’ve seen this side of River around his stepdad. River is always scrupulous about masking whatever feelings he doesn’t want anyone else to see. But I guess I’ve been around him long enough now that he has relaxed those walls enough for me to see over them. He has anxiety about Sam coming over here.

I really feel for River. Luckily, the lunch is announced before Sam actually arrives.

Sarah cups her hands around her mouth. "If everyone could start moving toward the dining room, that would be great! Start serving yourself. We're doing a buffet style brunch."

"Saved by the bell," says River. He sounds relieved.

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