Page 97 of Risky Desires

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I leaned into his warm palm.

“We’re not dying out here, Indy. We’re going to be rescued.”

“The odds of a rescue are minuscule.”

“I’ve had worse odds before.” His voice had that cop edge to it that he’d used on me before. and his tone confirmed he was taking charge, whether I liked it or not.

I was too exhausted to fight him into acknowledging the gravity of our predicament. Heaving a sigh, I settled my gaze on the flames across the water, which were gradually petering out. Soon, it would be just us and the celestial bodies above again.

“Okay, Officer Fancy Pants, what do we do?”

His shoulders settled like he’d overcome one massive obstacle. “You know this ocean better than anyone. What can we do to improve our chances of survival?”

“What can we do?” I scoffed. “Well, we aren’t near any shipping lanes. We don’t have an EPURB. We didn’t release a mayday. We have no water, no food. Oh . . . we have our flashlights though.” I turned mine on and waggled the beam in the air. “We can signal?—”

Tyler grabbed my arm. “Turn that off.”

I turned off the light, returning us to the heavenly glow from above.

“There’s nothing out here, Tyler. Nothing but miles of ocean and sky. The sheer expanse of this ocean means we’re invisible, like ghosts on the water.”

His fierce expression told me he had no intention of accepting defeat, but this wasn’t a battle he could win with sheer willpower. This was the ocean, and Mother Nature didn’t care about our stubbornness.

“Then we’ll wait,” he said.

“Wait for what? A miracle?”

The annoying beeps filled the silence between us.

“They exist, you know. Miracles.”

“Huh. I didn’t peg you as a believer in divine intervention.”

“Like I said, you don’t?—”

“Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know you.”

The last of the flames snuffed out, and the darkness of night settled over us.

Tyler rolled onto his back, staring at the Milky Way above. “Do you believe there’s something out there?”

“Nope. And there’s certainly nothing out here but . . .”

He rolled upright. “But what?”

“There is a tiny island about ten miles away. It’s nothing but a chunk of rock in the middle of nowhere. Nobody lives on it.”

“Then that’s our miracle. We’ll swim to it.”

“Swim?” I laughed. “Are you crazy? We’d need more than a fucking miracle to swim that far.”

“It’s better than just floating here. Our fins will make us faster. We’ll go right through the night if we have to.”

“Did you hear me say ten miles?”

“Yep.” Gasping, he clicked his fingers. “What about your scooter?”

I blinked at him. “The scooter?”

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