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Joy spreads through me, and I smile at Raúl.

Are you agreed, then? asks Nava.

Raúl and I, grinning at each other like fools, both nod at the same time.

Nava lists ingredients for Raúl to bring back to the tomb, while I am to stay here and clean the space. She informs us this coming sunrise will be the only time for the next four months to perform the ritual.

I use my magic, gathering the dirt and sending it out of the cracked door. As I work, I can’t help but marvel at the lightness in my soul. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I am sure there is someone in the world who loves me. Someone I can depend on. Someone who lets me love him.

I hum as I polish the floor with a rag—a remnant of my dress. Raúl laughed when he saw my disgusted expression as I tore the dress for the fabric, telling me he would buy me all the dresses in the world if I wanted them.

Standing up, I brush off my hands and peer outside. Dawn is on the horizon, and sunrise is steadily approaching. Raúl is still not here. I go outside to wait. The view here isn’t as pretty as home. The trees are evergreen, unchanging with the weather, and only a few bushes dot the land. The mountains, though, are glorious.

The sun is nearly in the sky when Raúl appears before me, disheveled and covered in dirt, carrying a canvas bag. He rushes inside, closing the door shut. He gives me a quick kiss before setting the bag on the floor, the contents spilling out. “I went as fast as I could,” he says.

Our time is running out, and we rush around the tomb, following Nava’s instructions. Candles dot each major direction, while an intricate chalk design now decorates the floor. Raúl places the ingredients Nava asked for where she indicates; I recognize a few herbs, such as chamomile in the mix. He crushes mint and sprinkles it around the chalk circle.

Hurry, says Nava. We must say the words right at sunrise.

Raúl and I lay down in the circle, our hands joined. Nava tells us the words to repeat one by one.

Let souls intertwine.

We chant the words easily, and Nava continues. Their spirits ignite.

As soon as the last word leaves our mouths, a searing hot pain stabs my heart and I cry out. Raúl’s grunt of pain tells me he feels it, too.

In love’s embrace, their paths unite.

Tears stream down my face as the pain becomes unbearable and we choke out the words.

For true love binds not with force.

Every single part of my body is in pain now, and I cannot even move. Raúl’s hand on mine is the only way I am staying anchored to reality.

But with pure delight.

A bright white light flashes throughout the room, blinding us momentarily. Then, suddenly, it’s gone, along with the pain. I take a second to breathe, glad my body is back to normal.

Nava whispers, It is done.

Raúl turns his head to me, relief and surprise on his face. “Was that Nava? I believe I heard her.”

Yes, now you will. As long as I want you to, Nava says, a hint of snark in her voice.

“I don’t think I can move,” I say, gently squeezing his hand.

“Me either,” he says with his mischievous grin. We lay there for a while, my eyes closed, breathing deep. My entire body is sore, as if I have walked an eternity without stopping.

After a long time, Raúl is the first to move, rolling closer to me. I watch as the circle smudges under him and the candlelight flickers against the dark walls. He gently kisses me on the lips.

“Since we are bound together, what would you think about ruling with me?”

“Ruling with you?”

He leans closer and nibbles on my ear, causing me to giggle. “As queen.”

“What?” I say with a screech. “Raúl, your vampires would never agree. I am human. I can’t rule vampires.”

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