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She gently lifts and drops her shoulders. “Some people will do anything to get and keep power.”

I shake my head, though I cannot be too shocked. What had Airalin done to me for the sake of amplifying her own power?

Beth stands up and heads to the door. There wasn’t a knock, so I am surprised when she opens it and Henry is standing there.

Chapter Sixty-Four

Immediately, I grip the fabric of my dress. It seems as if every time I see Henry, he brings bad news. He glances around until his eyes land on me. He bows to us all, then takes out a package from underneath his arm. “For you, miss.”

Eyebrows raised, I take the package and thank him. He disappears and I turn to the women. “I expected him to say Raúl was dead or something like that. He only ever reports unpleasant news.”

Helena snorts while Carmen and Beth quietly laugh. “Oh, speaking of presents,” I say. “Here’s one from Chef for you, Carmen.”

I hand her the packet of tea, not missing the slight brightening of her red eyes. She takes it and sniffs it, exclaiming at the contents. I murmur a spell to boil the water, and Beth sets about making tea for all of us.

“Well, go on already,” says Helena. “What’s in the box?”

The box on my lap is medium-sized, about twice the size of a good book. Carefully, I untie the twine and unfold the seams. Inside is an ornately carved box with a latch on the front. I undo the latch and lift the lid, gasping at what’s inside.

I reach in and pick up the silver mirror, holding it up for everyone to see. It is the same as Airalin’s mirror. Carmen smiles knowingly. “I knew he’d fix it fast.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“When Airalin came to the rebels, she had that mirror in the pack. I stole it. The handle was cracked, but nothing else.”

I hold it out to her. “It’s yours then. Booty from a war.”

She stops me with a gentle hand around my wrist. “No. I stole it for you. That witch doesn’t deserve it. You do. Raúl agrees.”

She sits back and waves me away. “I must rest. You and Helena go have fun now.”

I pack up my mirror and head out, Helena on my heels. “I’m off to start planning the feast,” she says. “I’ll see you later.”

Not quite sure where to go, I decide to head to the library. When I arrive, I sit down on the sofa and take out the mirror, my heart beating fast. Holding a sliver of magic, I look at the glass and ask, “Where are you?”

At first, I only see my reflection. Then gray clouds fill the glass. They part and show the same girl from before, the one that looks like me. Her eyes glint and I hear the words. The Five Queen’s Tomb. Find me there. Tell no one. Find me. Find me.

Find me echoes a few more times in my head before the image disappears. My breath catches and I stare at my reflection for a second before finally putting down the mirror. “Nava, did you see that?”

Yes, she says. I know where the tomb is. I have been there many times.

“Perfect. You can lead the way. I’ll have everything ready to go for tonight.”

“What’s tonight?” asks Raúl, striding into the library with long, confident steps.

Tell no one echoes through my mind. I jump up and throw my arms around his neck, warmth spreading through my chest. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

Raúl laughs. “I missed you, too.”

He draws back from me and holds up my arms, examining my wounds. His eyebrows draw together as he smooths his thumb over the remnants of a thorn hole. “These are gone already? I’m going to have to give our healer a raise.”

I laugh. “No, that was me. I used a healing spell.”

“Then I’ll give you a raise. What would you like? Bigger rooms?”

I shake my head, the laughter spilling out of me. Raúl grins and tickles me. “A new dress? A bigger library?”

Laughing uncontrollably, I shake my head. “No, nothing.”

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