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Chapter Sixty-Three

I wake to darkness. I open my curtains, watching as the sun sinks low. My essence vision is still with me, and I marvel at the magical dust coating the sky as the light of the rays withdraw.

Wondering what I’m even going to do today, I light my fire and examine my wounds. The stitching is in place, and the other wounds are quickly healing on their own. I check my magic reserve, and my storm is thankfully there, replenished by sleep, though still small.

I get ready, then head toward my desk. I open the grimoire, searching for a healing spell. Healing a broken bone. Healing pets. Ah, found it. Healing wounds.

“Bathed in sunlight’s gleam, wounds dissolve like a dream. Moonlight’s gentle touch restores with a soothing hush.” I recite the words, as indicated in the book, while grasping a bit of my power.

The power rushes through me, and I grin. One by one, my wounds seamlessly mend themselves, leaving barely a glimpse of a scar.

Instantly, I feel much better, and head out of my room in search of a meal and make my way to the kitchen. It’s much quieter than usual, since most of the vampires are recovering from the battle by drinking blood instead of enjoying food.

Chef sees me walk in, welcoming me with open arms. I gladly accept the hug. I’ve seen him so often now, the gesture feels natural. “I am glad you are safe. Helena told me you joined the battle yesterday,” he says, warmth in his voice.

He led me to a chair, tying an apron around his older frame. “What would you like to eat? We’re going to have a grand feast to celebrate our win, but there’s no reason not to celebrate twice.”

I shrug. “Honestly, anything sounds heavenly right now.”

Chef flashes me a lopsided grin and starts taking out ingredients. Before I know it, I have a grilled fish in front of me, surrounded by wild rice and salad. He warms up a leftover roll, handing it to me.

I bite into my meal, loving the savory butter hitting my tongue. I sigh contently and finish my food. Chef hands me a cup of tea. “Comfrey. For the soul,” he says with a warm smile.

He watches me, as if wanting to say something else. It isn’t until I take a sip that he springs his question. “Have you seen Carmen at all today?”

I hide my smile behind the cup. Helena had mentioned Chef’s infatuation with Carmen before, but I’ve never seen evidence of it. “No, in fact, I was about to visit her. Would you like me to bring something from you?”

He chuckles nervously. “No, no. Of course not.” He pauses and clears his throat. “Although I do have a new tea blend that could aid her healing.”

“In that case, I believe it is my duty to bring it to her. She was stabbed by a stake.”

His face flushes with anger. “I know.”

I stand up and hold out my hand. “I’ll bring it now. I am absolutely stuffed, thank you.”

Chef runs around, finding me the tea. He wrings his hands when he wonders out loud how I will carry boiling water. I laugh, shaking my head. “I can warm up the water when I am there. Do not worry.”

He hugs me, crushing the tea and pot between us, then shoos me out the door.

With a grin, I make my way to Carmen’s rooms. I knock on the door, and Beth answers. She ushers me in immediately, and I join Helena on the couch. I greet them all warmly, studying Raúl’s mother.

Her complexion looks much better, back to her normal olive color rather than the sallow it was before. “How are you feeling, Carmen?”

She smiles. “Much better. I am told you fought that witch.”

“Yes. She was dragged off by Nelson.”

Helena sits straight up, dropping the cheese from her hand. “Of course that monster is still alive.”

“Nelson?” I ask.

Carmen nods slightly, a grimace on her face. “Oh well. We will not court tomorrow’s problems today.” She pauses. “By the way, Penny, I want to apologize. My father wrote me a note asking to meet him in the garden the day we went. I thought you being there would persuade him from doing anything rash. I didn’t realize how far gone he was, and it put you in harm’s way. I am sorry.”

Surprised, I stare at her. I never expected an apology, and it is nice to receive one. “Thank you. I understand your reasoning. I wish he would have thought better, too.”

I open my mouth, then close it again. I want to know about her kidnapping but also don’t want to bring up the painful memories. Carmen sees the confusion on my face and guesses the cause. “It could have been worse,” she says. “They were planning on ransoming me to Raúl, in a way. Julian was going to kill me if Raúl did not give him the throne.”

A gasp escapes my mouth, and I look at her in horror. “He was going to kill you to get a throne back?”

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