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He smiles, a blinding surprise, and my breath catches. “Until tomorrow.”

In a flash, he’s gone. I run closer, leaning dangerously far out the window, watching as he drifts down. Once he’s on the ground, he turns and looks me in the eye. He smiles once more, waving, before disappearing into the trees, the colorful leaves concealing him. I watch for a minute more, then turn and collapse into the chair. My head falls back and I stare at the dim ceiling, shadows playing across the stone.

My heart slows, and the adrenaline leaves my body. I’m left with one thought.

Did I just agree to see a vampire tomorrow?

Chapter Five

495 NE, Month 9, Day 5/30

I awake the next morning, sure the events from last night were simply a dream. Or a nightmare. I shake my head and rise, getting ready for the day. I go upstairs to make food and stand at the cold box, my hand on the door. Mother did ask me to cut down on the amount I ate. My stomach grumbles, and a war wages between listening and hunger.

In the end, I choose to listen, and forgo food. I begin my usual morning routine. Since I’m the only one here, there isn’t much to clean. Yesterday took care of anything actually dirty, except for Mother’s clothes from her trip, which I easily wash. Today, then, I will study and read a book.

Mother always makes sure to bring countless books on various subjects so that I can improve my mind. She stresses the importance of learning, especially since I have no magic ability. She taught me to read, a thankless task, as she reminded me multiple times a day. Once I could read on my own, she left my education up to the books she brought.

I rifle through my stacks of tomes, searching for two in particular. One is filled with maps of the realm, and the other contains a history of the vampire conflict. Once I am satisfied with my choices, I walk back to the soft chair.

The first book I open contains the maps. I know this one is not entirely accurate, since it has no castle where ours should be, but it is close enough. At least the lake should be in the right place. I turn the pages slowly. I want to find more about the desert, since Mother will leave for it soon. I locate the page I’m looking for and carefully wipe the dust off with my hand.

Ixtla, pronounced I-SHT-LA, remains a mystery. No cartographer has been able to traverse its depths and return to tell their tale. I, myself, have only seen the edges of this unforgiving desert. Strange visions happen to a person, and precautions must be taken. Exact size is unknown.

The book continues to explain. Mysterious creatures are known to snatch weary travelers from their beds. Most are never found, and those that return are irreversibly changed. Above the desert is a city, and even its inhabitants never dare enter for more than a day, and never at night.

A strange excitement fills my chest. What would it be like to travel where no person had gone before? I shut that useless thought down before it becomes more. I sigh and turn the pages until I find the lake and forest.

The Darkgrove Forest. One of enigmatic intrigue. It is said werewolves and vampires once shared the land, but we can find no historians to confirm. No one knows what lies deep in the forest, since anyone who ventures too far never returns. Again, the book has no concrete information. I grumble and slam it shut. Also, why is everyone never returning from places? Isn’t the king concerned?

Too many questions swirl around in my mind. I pick up the history book, hoping it will have some answers. It informs me vampires are thousands of years old, as far as records can prove. Vampires have been fighting with humans and whomever else for centuries. It describes them as a vicious, uncaring lot, unable to feel anything but hate. It also details many of the wars between vampires and humans, describing the horrors in disgusting detail. I read word after word, my hands shaking.

Bile rises into my throat, and I shut the book, shoving it off my lap. After a few deep breaths, I am calmer. By now, the hunger is too much, and I choose to eat leftover stew. If I don’t, it’ll go bad, anyway. Surely Mother won’t find fault with that, since she only mentioned baking. While I warm it in a pot, thoughts cloud my mind.

Are vampires really that bloodthirsty? Do they stop at nothing to obtain blood?

A knock on my window snaps me out of my thoughts and I stare out of the glass.


The sky had darkened without me even noticing.

Indecision pulls at me.

“I brought you something.”

Mind made up, I walk slowly to the window and undo the lock, opening it up. Raúl waits until I back away. He pokes at the invisible barrier, wincing when his finger bends unnaturally. “Ouch. I pushed too hard.” He looks at me with both eyes, running a hand through his chocolate colored hair. Mother brought me a small piece of chocolate once. It was one of the most delicious things I’d ever tasted. “See? I still can’t get in. You’re safe.”

“Okay.” I continue to stand there, unsure what to do. He stares at me in concern.

“You can come closer. I won’t bite.” He flashes his fangs. “Unless you want me to.”

That snaps me out of it. I glare at him. “I would never.”

He laughs. “I’m glad to see you didn’t lose your fire.”

I continue to glare at him, crossing my arms and holding my chin high. He chuckles again, a low sound that washes over me. “You could sit in the chair.” He pauses. “Closer to me, that is.”

My brain once again screams at me, ordering me to stay away. There’s something delightful, though, in rebelling. With a shrug, I drag the chair closer, but not too close, careful to avoid my hair. I don’t want to be awkwardly standing, anyway. “Well?” I say. “What do you want tonight?”

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