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Long, lonely hours pass as I watch the sun drip down behind the trees. By the time it’s completely dark, I have finished brushing a few feet of hair, with only the sounds of the forest entertaining me. I put away my brushes in the dim light, then walk to the fireplace. The fire gradually builds, lighting the room around me. I bask in the warm glow when a rattling at the window startles me. My heart drops into my stomach and I hold my breath, fear simultaneously encouraging me to turn and not to turn my head toward the sound.

The window rattles again, and in the end, curiosity takes hold of me and I look at it. There, floating in the air, framed by the glass, is the vampire with one white eye, staring at me.

Chapter Four

I gasp and jump up, ready to close the curtains. Panic fills me at the thought of Mother’s spell not working again. Before I can make a move, his voice calls out to me.

“Wait. Please.”

I freeze, my heart beating faster than what I imagine hoofbeats of racing horses sound like. His smooth and silky voice washes over me as he pleads, making me pause. What would he say? Intrigued, I slowly slide my eyes to meet the vampire’s. His right eye is a milky white, a scar running across it and down his face. His other is blood red. “I won’t harm you. Can’t. Promise.”

I fold my arms across my chest and squint at him. Even the most vicious predator pretends to be innocent. Then, before you realize it, you’re in pieces. “Lies.”

“Truth. Unlock the window, and I’ll prove it,” he says, a mischievous smile on his tanned face.

“And have you jump in and eat me before I can blink? I don’t think so.” I don’t know what possesses me to be so argumentative. I never act like this with Mother, but for some reason I can’t help it with this creature. It’s nice, for once, to be completely honest with someone.

He laughs as he brushes his dark brown hair out of his eyes, a warm, hearty sound that surprises me. I didn’t know vampires could laugh. I thought they were too busy eating helpless, innocent people. “I will tell you a secret. Fire can harm us. Light a torch and you’ll have your weapon.”

This I know is truth, and I purse my lips, considering. “Fine. But I will burn us both to the ground if you dare touch me.”

He holds up both hands, as if surrendering. “Deal.”

I grab an old torch off the wall by the stairs and light it from the fireplace, the entire time wondering why I am entertaining a vampire’s wishes. Did he have a hold on me already? Did he possess unnatural manipulation? I head back to the window and reach forward, undoing the latch. “There. It’s unlocked.”

I jump backward and the vampire flings the window open, sliding backward so it doesn’t hit him. He stands in the air as if it is ground, his dark pants blending into the night, while the sleeves of his white shirt flap in the wind. “Now watch.”

He reaches forward and slams his hand through the window. As I hold the torch in front of me, my heart racing with fear, I quickly realize that there is no need to be afraid. His hand meets with an invisible barrier, preventing him from entry. My mouth drops open. “Is this Mother’s spell?”

He tilts his head and furrows his eyebrows. “No. This is a curse on my kind. We cannot enter unless invited. I thought all humans knew.” His grin is sly, and he lowers his eyelids halfway. “Do you want to let me in?”

“Not a chance, vampire.” I hadn’t known that tidbit, solely relying on Mother’s magic to keep me safe.

He chuckles and I lower my torch, then change my mind and hang it back on the wall. The heat washes over me as I stand close, warming me even as the cool night air chills. “Why are you here?”

His face turns serious, and he reaches into his pants pocket. Holding up two drawings, I lean closer to get a better look. The drawings are of two figures. One is the vampire that shook the window the other day. “Do these vampires ever come here?”

I point to the one on the right. “That one was at my window, like you are now, the other day. I don’t know about the other.”

He nods and folds the papers back up, carefully slipping them into his pocket. He eyes me, then looks up and down as if really seeing me for the first time. I can’t help but stare, too, knowing that I’m being rude. His face is alluring, handsome. My heart skips a beat. Dangerous.

Suddenly, my patched and homemade dress feels inadequate. I stand taller, straighter to combat the shame, as if I am wearing the finest clothing in the realm.

“What’s your name?” he asks.

“Rapunzel. I hate it. I prefer Penny.” It slips out before I stop it, and I slap my hand over my mouth. I’ve never been so honest, either. I can’t help but wonder what is wrong with me. Terror simmers below my breastbone, but curiosity overpowers it.

He grins slowly. “Penny. I’m Raúl.” He points behind him, in the distance. “I live over there. If you want to visit sometime, you’re welcome to. We love having guests for dinner.”

“No, thank you,” I say as I tilt my chin up. “I’m not an easy meal.”

He laughs again. “As a guest, I meant.”

I shrug and look around the tower floor. “I don’t leave very much. If I do, I’ll make sure to visit you.” The lie falls easily from my mouth.

Raúl opens his mouth, as if to say something, but then tilts his head again. “Ah. I’m being summoned.” He straightens, standing on air as if it is ground. “Dearest Penny, it has been a pleasure meeting you. If you are not opposed, may I stop by again?”

Fear screams at me to say no. My traitorous mouth says, “I would like that.”

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