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I sigh, untangling my fingers from his hair. “I’m not ready. My choice is stop now.”

Positive physical touch had never been a big part of growing up. Once, I received a pat on my head. Being with Raúl like this feels right, good. Amazing. I crave more when he touches me. But I also know, deep down, I don’t want to rush.

“I guessed. I will not push you.” He takes a breath. “Let’s go eat.”

We head into the library, and I tell Raúl about the books I’ve started reading. He listens attentively, something that fascinates me. I never imagined someone would actually want to know my interests.

I laugh at a joke Raúl makes and sit down on the sofa. Raúl takes out his pocket watch and sends a message to the chef. Within no time, a buffet arrives. Foods of all types, most ones I have never seen before, are spread on a large cart. The man who brings the cart in bows slightly. “Sir, your food.”

“Penny, this is Louis, the head chef for the castle.”

Warmly, I greet him. He smiles at me and sweeps his arm around in an elaborate bow. “Anytime you are hungry, find me. I love to feed people.”

I smile shyly and nod, not quite sure what to say.

Raúl thanks him, and he leaves. I patiently wait for Raúl to give the go ahead, eyeing the food greedily. “Go ahead and eat,” Raúl says with a laugh. “You are free to do what you like.”

I pick up a plate and pick out a small portion of as many different dishes can fit on my plate. While I eat, I think about the phrase Raúl just said. He may not know how much it struck me, being free to do as I please. Instead of dwelling on it, I decide to use this opportunity to ask Raúl more questions about the vampires.

“I saw all those vampires going to eat. I thought they slept during the day?”

Raúl nods and swallows his food. “We technically don’t need to sleep. Those that do wake before dinner. It is the first meal of the day. A long time ago, someone decided to have breakfast before bed and it became popular.”

“When we were, uh.” I tried again. “When we were kissing earlier, I noticed you don’t have a heartbeat.”

Raúl grins. “I don’t have a heart. That’s why I’m so callous.”

A laugh burst out of me. “That is far from the truth.”

He winks at me. “Our hearts stop when we turn into vampires, since we no longer produce or pump our own blood.”

“Fascinating,” I say as I eat a spoonful of a savory dish that smells heavenly. We continue onto other subjects, and I learn more about Raúl’s life. As vampire king, he travels the realm a few times a year to gather up rogue vampires and invite them to the castle. They have a ball every year on Month 12, and even humans join at times.

“Of course, you are invited,” Raúl says. “You can be my most important guest.”

My heart skips a beat and I stare down at my food, a goofy grin pasted on my face. “I would love that,” I say when I gather my bearings.

We finish eating the main meal, and Raúl claps his hands together once. “Now, my favorite part. Dessert.”

“I’m not sure if I can eat another bite,” I say as Chef comes back in with a smaller buffet table. I watch as he takes the metal lids off the dishes. “After I try that dish, that is.”

Raúl obliges, and dishes me up a plate of the dessert I indicated, a light mousse topped with chocolate candies.

I moan as the first bite of sweet and bitter explodes on my tongue. Raúl stares at me, consternation on his face and his spoon held in midair. My heart drops. I cover my mouth and apologize instantly, not knowing what I did wrong.

He leans forward, rubbing a thumb across my bottom lip. I stare into his eyes as heat rises in my belly. I drop my spoon and it clatters to the ground; the sound jolting us both. I grin at him, and he returns with his own impish one. “I thought I did something wrong,” I say.

“Far from it,” he replies, caressing my cheek. He frowns. “Are you sure you want to go back to that tower? The way you act… You can stay here with me. For as long as you like.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

I twist my fingers and lean my cheek into his hand. “Yes. It’s my home,” I say hesitantly. I’ve only been here a day, but already this has felt more of a home than my tower. My eyebrows knit together. “Besides, I have to find out the truth. About the hair and Mother.”

Raúl nods. “I can help, if you’d like.”

I smile at him. “I appreciate it. I will let you know.”

“See that you do.” He drops his hand and returns to eating, as do I. We sit and chat and he tells me about some of the vampires living in the castle.

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