Page 64 of Shattered Lives

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I take a deep breath. “Those dinners aren’t about finding Mr. Right. I really don’t do well with dating. I’m just trying to get comfortable being around guys again.”

“So have dinner with me. You’ll be more comfortable with someone you know, right?”

Not necessarily.

He smiles. “And I’ve learned what not to do, so I won’t screw up again.”

What. The. Hell.

“What do you mean, you’ve learned what not to do?” My words come out sharper than I’d intended.

His eyes widen as he realizes he’s said too much. I stand, glaring, hands on my hips. What exactly did Tom and Lila tell him?

If I weren’t so annoyed, the always-suave Blake stumbling over his own words would be comical. His face reddens. “I – well – I didn’t know that you didn’t – you know, not to touch you. And Tom – well, he’s really protective of you. Said you’re like his sister and if I ever upset you like that again, he’d beat my ass even worse.”

My mouth falls open. “Beat your ass? And what do you mean, worse? You two fought?”

He shakes his head. “We always spar after practice with the kids, but we don’t try to hurt each other.” He laughs. “You missed it. It was right before you left for Texas. He broke my damn nose. That’s my third time.” He traces his finger along the bridge of his nose, and now that he’s mentioned it, I can see the difference. “I had two black eyes for a week. The kids thought it was great.” He rolls his eyes but grins. “We used it to reinforce the importance of protecting your face and keeping your guard up.” He scrolls through pictures on his phone before passing it to me.

He isn’t exaggerating. Two purple circles bloom brilliantly around his eyes. I bite my lip to hide my smile. “You look like a panda.”

He laughs. “I did,” he agrees before turning serious. “I never would have touched your face if I’d known it would upset you. I’d never hurt you.” He pauses. “Think about it, okay? One dinner. It doesn’t even have to be on a Wednesday.”

I study him. He seems genuinely interested, although Blake finds most women interesting. Still, he’s a decent guy, and he’s aware that Tom will inflict bodily injury if he mistreats me, something I find equally endearing and appalling.


“I’ll consider it.”

His eyes twinkle, and he winks. “You know where I am when you’re ready.”

I raise one eyebrow. “Confident, aren’t you?”

“I've based my entire career around positive thinking.” He pushes off the counter as the door opens.

“Hey, Charlie. Is this guy bothering you?” Tom grins, jerking his head toward Blake.

I smile. “Not today. He bribed me with coffee. Did you get Maya’s homework there in time?”

He shakes his head. “She’d already gone to class, but one of the ladies in the office offered to run it down to her.”

I’m sure she did. Tom’s single again. His relationship with Whitney fizzled out shortly after I left for Texas, something that delighted both Maya and Lila. His next girlfriend, a flight attendant, lasted barely two months. Tom ended things with Stella when, after canceling on dinner with him and Maya for the fourth time, she revealed she’d rather have bamboo shoved under her nails than be around kids. After that, Tom swore off dating for the foreseeable future.

“I’m great, too, by the way, thanks for asking,” Blake interrupts.

Tom sighs. “Good morning, Blake. You’re early.” Then he grins. “I’m surprised you’re up this early after your four-day weekend with Sandi.”

I blink. He’s just coming off a four-day weekend with a woman named Sandi, and he’s trying to score a date with me?

Total. Player.

And to think I almost believed him.

“Change of plans,” Blake says smoothly, not looking in my direction. “Sandi and I were on different wavelengths. We aren’t seeing each other anymore.”

Tom’s brows lift at that news, making me wonder how long Blake had been seeing her. Tom glances over and recognizes my irritation, though I can tell he’s not sure what’s annoying me. “What’s up? Class doesn't start for another eight hours.”

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