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There’s a pause on the other end, then a whoop. “You did?”

“I did,” I laugh at her excitement. There’s the sister I know and love.

Evie laughs with me, and there’s genuine happiness in her voice. “Liam, you’re so brave,” she says softly. “I know how hard you’ve worked for this. You and Penny deserve to finally be happy.”

“You sound like we’re getting married,” I burst into laughter.

Evie scoffs. “It’s only a matter of time.”

Silence takes over the conversation, and I want to ask her about Jamie, but I don’t know exactly what to say.

“Anyway,” she sighs. “I will reach out to let you know when we’ll be heading to pick up Sean’s ‘surprise.’ You’re driving, by the way.”

I groan. “Evie!”

“Bye.” She hangs up the phone, and I shake my head. Evie hates driving long distances because she has motion sickness. I shake my head and laugh at her, then I hurry into the shower, clean up the grime of the day, and change into some shorts and a T-shirt.

I feed Tex and then sit on the couch to call Penny. She picks up on the first ring.

“Hey, you.”

The affection in her voice falls over me like warm honey, and I bask in it. I am so grateful to have this second chance with a woman who makes me be, and want to be, better.

“Liam? Are you there?”

Her voice brings me back to the present, and a smile creeps across my face. “Sorry, I’m here. Just thinking about how lucky I am to be loved by this amazing woman I know and to be given a second chance to spend the rest of my life with her.”

I can’t see her smile, but I can feel it through the phone.

“Oh is that so?” Her voice takes on a teasing tone.

“Yup. She’s quite spectacular.” My cheeks are going to crack from the smile on my face.

“I’m not sure that I can compete with that,” she quips back.

“Good thing you don’t have to, Penelope Ann Miller.”

“Oh,” she says in mock surprise. “You're talking about me!”

I throw my head back and laugh, the feel of it so freeing. “I love you, Penny.”

“I love you, too.”

My lips settle into a small, contented smile as a lightness overcomes my body. The knowledge that I will be spending the rest of my days with this woman brings a sense of peace over me that settles deep in my bones. I didn’t believe that I could feel this calm and happy when I first came home, but I do.

For the first time in a long time, I am looking forward to what the future will bring.



“Penny, it’s time.” I softly call to her through the tent. We are awaiting the peak of the Perseid meteor shower and decided to spend the night camping so we could sleep a bit before.

“I’m up,” her groggy voice responds, and the corner of my mouth lifts. “Be out in a second.” Her flashlight goes on and I step away from the tent, waiting patiently.

Tonight is the night. The night I ask Penny to be my wife. Watching a meteor shower is something her dad would take us out to experience. Doing it here and now is my way to include him in this moment.

I hear the zipper and turn to see Penny slip out of the tent with a yawn. My heart nearly bursts at just how adorable I find everything about her. I walk over to her and smooth some hair standing up. She meets my gaze with a soft smile, and I lean in to kiss her.

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