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“The last time I saw him, he was going into Evie’s office, and he looked really tense.”

“Hmmmm, when I was home, there were times when I thought something was definitely going on. But honestly, I’m not sure.” I hear Sean yawn. “Okay, I have to go now. I want to rest a few minutes before my next call time.”

“Okay, and Sean?”


“Thank you.”

“Anytime, Liam.”

“Bye.” I hang up the phone and give Tex a kiss.

It’s almost six, and thoughts of this afternoon continue to plague me. I haven't been able to get Penny out of my head. I didn’t plan to take Tex on a long walk this evening, but I need to get out and clear my head. I’m hoping that the cool air will help to shift my mood.

When I get outside, I try to decide if we should walk toward the park or the library. I’m not sure if Penny is still working—what time does the library close? But more importantly, I’m not sure that visiting her place of business a second time today is wise. I decide the park is the better plan. We make slow progress as Tex enjoys all the smells along the way.

As we get closer to the park, the sounds of laughter and people talking reach me. Tex’s tail begins to wag excitedly at the possibility of encountering someone.

“Relax, boy,” I laugh, and he calms, waiting for my go-ahead.

When the park comes into view, I’m once again struck by its beauty. I see children running around. Some are yelling and laughing while playing a game of tag while others are playing catch. I see their parents sitting on the outskirts watching closely, but also enjoying some adult time.

Tex and I walk toward benches lining the field, and I take a seat on the first one I come to while Tex lays down at my feet. The sights and sounds are helping me to relax. A few months ago, these very same sights and sounds set me on edge.

I let my gaze run over the people in the park when it falls upon two familiar figures greeting each other in the parking lot. The woman is smiling up at a man whose face I cannot fully recognize from the angle I’m sitting at.

My heart rate picks up as I watch them talk for a few more seconds before they hug. My stomach rolls, and I get up to walk away. I try not to stumble as my entire world falls out from under me. It’s Penny and Andrew.

“Tex, come on,” I call. I want to head to a different area of the park without being seen by the two of them.

Luckily, they haven’t spotted me yet, but I have no intention of being caught here. They are obviously having a private moment, one that makes me wonder if that is why Penny was all out of sorts earlier today.

Is she regretting not marrying Andrew?

Chapter 25


I’m walking toward the parking lot, but I don’t see Andrew or his car.

Me: I’m at the park. Are you here yet?

It’s a few minutes past six, and Andrew is rarely late. My phone vibrates, and I read his response.

Andrew: I see you. Walking to you now.

I turn around and see Andrew walking toward me, a scowl on his face. I take a deep breath and slowly blow it out. I don’t know why I thought he would be happy to see me, but he’s definitely not. Strangely, looking at his face puts my mind at ease, and I sigh at how much I’ve missed having him in my corner.

“Penny,” he greets me coldly, making a chill run down my spine.

“Hi, Andrew.” I reach out to hug him, and he stiffly lets me before pulling away. “How are you?”

“As good as can be expected,” he answers shortly, and my stomach clenches. “I don’t have much time. What did you want to talk about?”

“Can we take a walk?”

“A short one.” He turns and starts walking, and I turn to quickly catch up.

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