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When she doesn’t answer, I repeat myself. “Penny, listen to me. I will not let you fall. I’m here. I need you to forget the rope snapping and keep coming up.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince myself or her.

She hesitates. “Are you sure?”

“A hundred percent.” I’m more like twenty percent sure, but I’m not telling her that.

Penny starts tugging on the rope again, and it starts to snap faster than before. My heart is in my throat; we don’t have much time. This may not end well if she doesn’t appear over the cliff quickly.

“I can see the edge,” she suddenly says, her voice vibrating with relief. “I can see it.”

“Good.” I let out the breath I had been holding. “Keep pulling. Keep climbing.”

Moments later, I see strawberry blonde hair as Penny slowly appears over the edge. Finally, her head emerges, and I almost sag with relief.

She continues to climb and, finally, looks up at me. Time freezes as we gaze into each other’s eyes. Her face is pinched with stress and makeup is streaking down it. My gaze slides down just then, and I see her body is clothed in a frothy white dress.

“Penny?” I can no longer contain the question at the forefront of my mind. “Are you wearing a wedding dress?”

Chapter 4


I laugh as my body relaxes with relief, and embarrassment creeps up my face. I’m about to speak when the rope snaps, and I feel the rush of air beneath my feet as I topple back into the void.

Suddenly, an arm grabs mine, and I’m hanging over the cliff again, my heart beating like a drum in my chest. Liam’s face is drawn as he’s supporting my entire body with only one arm. I try grabbing something to support myself, but there’s nothing. He starts to pull me up slowly but surely.

Finally, Liam pulls me over the edge, and I climb up and drag myself away from the precipice. A relieved sob tears out of my chest, and instead of stopping to catch my breath, I push myself up and fling my body into Liam’s arms.

His arms open for me, and he pulls me close, wrapping around me like a cocoon of comfort as my body crumples from the realization of how close to death I almost came on the same day that was supposed to be my wedding.

“Shh!” Liam says softly. “You’re alright now.”

His fingers delve into my hair, gently rubbing my scalp and I feel my body respond to the relaxing gesture. My eyes close tightly, and the trembling starts to subside. “It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re okay.” He kisses my hair, and the last shudder rolls through me.

“I didn’t know people got married hanging down a cliff,” he jokes. “Is this some new trend?”

A nervous laugh escapes my lips, and I pull myself away from his support. Instantly, my body shivers as the shock of everything that just happens sinks in. I start to turn, but my legs buckle. Liam’s arms snake around my waist to hold me up. It’s an incredibly hot day, but I didn’t realize how cold I was till I felt Liam’s warmth against me.

“Your legs aren’t strong yet,” he says. “Come on.” He walks me farther away from the cliff and sits me beside a tree. My body is shaking uncontrollably and I’m having trouble focusing my eyesight when I see what looks like a dog across from me, its tail wagging excitedly.

“Is this your dog?”

Liam nods. “His name is Tex.”

“Tex!” I stutter, waving him over. Tex’s eyes communicate how badly he wants to come over, but instead, he glances at Liam.

Liam gestures to Tex. “Go ahead, boy.”

Tex lets loose and races straight into my arms, licking and kissing my face excitedly. “I think he was worried about me dying,” I laugh. “Look how happy he is to see me.”

Liam laughs. “To be honest, he brought me to you.”

“Thank you, Tex.” I hug him and put my face in his scruff. He lays on the ground and places his head on my lap. The warmth from his body helps me control my shivers.

“Do you need some water?” Liam asks, reaching into his backpack for a water bottle. Without waiting for an answer, he opens the bottle and hands it over. With him watching, I try to drink as neatly as possible, but when the cold water touches my parched lips, I forget my composure and gulp it down until the bottle is empty.

Liam takes the empty bottle with a slight smile. “There’s another bottle. If you want more.”

“I’m okay,” I tell him, rubbing a hand over my mouth. “Thank you, Liam.” My head turns and holds his gaze. “Thank you so much.”

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