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Evie’s brows dip. “He told you he got a new job?”

I nod and smile as I remember that day. “We ran into each other the day he was hired, and he told me. That’s how I know. It’s not like Liam and I talk all the time.”

“I see. I’m excited for him,” Evie says, her eyes gleaming with joy. “There’s something about this new job that makes him happy. He’s more willing to talk, and he just seems more at ease. The job and Tex have done wonders for him, honestly.” Her smile spreads across her face. “He’s constantly telling us something new that he’s learned or taught the kids. He can’t stop talking about it. But it’s great to see him happy.”

Liam is finally living his dream, and I’m happy for him, even though I’m not there to share in his joy. A job like this is what he’s always wanted and planned since he was a kid.

“So you and Liam don’t speak to each other?” Evie asks, and the question startles me.

“Umm, we do.” I struggle to explain our situation to Evie. “But only a few times, and it’s been when we’ve run into each other.”

“What?” Evie frowns. “You don’t have his number?”


“And he doesn’t have yours?”

“He does not.”

“Wow,” she shakes her head. “Seriously?”

“Yes. It works, though.” I shrug, hoping it’ll release the ache in my heart. I force a smile.“It’s not like we’re anything more than friends. Not having his number isn’t a big deal. Plus, Willow Falls is small. It’s not like I’ll never run into him.”

“Penny?” Evie leans forward, rests her elbows on the desk and props up her chin with her hands. “Are you happy?”

My eyes widen at the question, and pain slams into my chest. I swallow against the lump that just formed in my throat. The question is multilayered, but when I get to the last layer, I’m confronted with a truth that I’ve been avoiding for the last few months. The honest answer is no. I’m not happy.

“Yes,” I smile weakly at Evie as I lie. “I’m happy.”

She pulls her eyebrows together and stares at me. An explanation slips out of my mouth. “With everything that happened, I’m lucky to have the support of my family. I’ve had plenty of time to think, and I know I made the right choice. I think I’m good.”

“You think?”

“I know.” A burst of irritation swirls in my chest, and I ignore it. Evie is my friend; there’s no reason to get irritated by her probing.

Evie cocks her head. “Penny, we’re friends, right?”

“Yes.” I sit up in my chair, holding her stare. Her tone takes on a seriousness that it lacked before.

“Forgive me if my question is forward, but I’m just curious.”


“Why did you leave Andrew at the altar?”

I open my mouth, but no words come out. The embarrassment I feel at leaving my fiancé at the church is still fresh. I know I’m not in love with Andrew, but he was a friend. How I treated him and not knowing if he will forgive me stings.

“I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk about it,” Evie says. “I’m sorry I’m pushing. I’m sure Andrew understands.”

“I’m not sure he does, and I can’t blame him.” I bark out a bitter laugh. “I’ve tried to call him and explain, but he hasn’t picked up any of my calls. I just want to fix it so I don’t have to feel this uncomfortable, but honestly, he has a right to be angry. If he never forgives me, I will completely understand. What I did was awful. I just hope one day he understands that I did it for him too.”

Evie smiles sadly and reaches across the table to squeeze my arm. “I wish I could help. But I do know it will get easier with time. Andrew is a good guy. I believe that he will, in time, be able to forgive you.”

“Thank you, Evie.”

“Our ideas of love can be so skewed,” Evie says, a faraway look in her eyes, and I have a feeling she’s no longer talking about my situation. Evie looks like she is talking to herself. “Sometimes it’s just not what we expect it to be. It can be confusing and scary. It’ll make you wonder if what you really feel is love.”

“But it is…” I exhale a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

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