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Patrick smiles. “We have space for you, Liam, and we’d love for you to join us.”

I lean forward, my eyes almost popping out of my face. “You’re giving me the job?”

“Yes.” He nods. “Your search and rescue training is something I couldn’t pass up, but I can see your passion for it, and honestly, that’s the most important part.” He shifts toward me. “These kids will get on your last nerve if you don’t have the passion for it,” he whispers conspiratorially. “It’s easy to get frustrated.”

We all laugh heartily. “Thank you, Patrick. This means the world to me.” I turn to Kieran, who is also smiling. “Thank you. This wouldn’t have happened without you.”

Kieran smiles and pats me on the back. “I hope this starts you on the healing journey you crave, Liam.”

“It’s a start.” I rise slowly, feeling a lightness I haven’t felt in a while. I look over at Patrick. “When do I start?”

“How about two days from now?” Patrick asks.

“Really?” I exclaim, beaming at him.

He nods. “I’ll have my assistant send all the details to your email.”

“Thank you so much.” I reach out my hand and Patrick stands up to shake it. “Sincerely. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity.”

“I will walk you out.” Kieran says, as he follows me to the door. “Patrick, are you and Mel available for dinner in the next few days? I know Maya would love to see you both.”

“Absolutely,” Patrick replies. “Give me a call later and we will figure it out.”

When we’re outside the office, Kieran nudges me. “This would make your brother so happy,” he grins. He strikes me as the kind of guy who finds smiling easy. “He’s always on the lookout for you.”

I am so grateful for my big brother. Sean has always made sure that I am safe and taken care of. Without his persistence and determination, my integration into civilian life would have been much more challenging. “He’s the best big brother anyone could ask for. I’m glad that he’s in my corner.”

We walk back toward the reception area and wave goodbye as we head out.

“Sean has been an avid supporter of BattleBron Tech for a long time,” Kieran says. “And his influence cannot be underestimated. He told me about you even before you returned, and I’ve always looked forward to meeting you.”

“Sean raves about what you and your partner Lane have accomplished,” I respond as we walk out the front door. “He has personally told me that he is so very grateful for all of the resources you’ve given him, in spite of my protests.”

Kieran laughs. “When will he be finished with his new movie? He’s filming in New York, right?”

“I have no idea,” I say, walking out into the reception. “But I’m sure it’s soon; he hates being away from his fiancé for too long.”

“Jessica.” Kieran laughs. “Such a wonderful woman. When will I meet yours?”

My mouth falls open, and I laugh. “Mine? I don’t have a woman.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “I knew you would say that.”

“It’s the truth,” I insist. “I’m not fit to be a good companion to any woman right now.”

“That’s the lie we tell ourselves,” he says, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Now, more than ever, you need someone who loves you and will show up for you.”

I sigh deeply and nod as my heart clenches at his words. “Thank you, Kieran.”

“If you struggle to believe that we have some great therapists nationwide who can help you. Just have Sean reach out for some names local to you.”

“I’ve been working with one, but maybe this is an area I will start working on.”

“Good. You deserve to be loved and happy, Liam.” He hugs me again and waves me off. “I’m off to meet my wife for lunch. It was great meeting you. Truly.”

“You too. Thanks again.” I wave.

I walk out into the sun, Tex trotting by my side, and a chuckle leaves my lips. I can’t remember when I felt this happy and excited about something. I find myself missing Penny. There’s an overwhelming urge to share my news with her, but after the way I treated her a few days ago, I doubt she’ll want to have anything to do with me right now.

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