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My face warms, and I feel my lips tug up. Knowing that I can help my brothers in arms helps to give me a sense of purpose. I know how much I’m struggling, and I have support. If I can help my friends, even a little bit, I will.

“I’m glad, Blake. I’m always here if you want to talk.”

“Thanks, Liam.”

“Of course. I’ll talk to you later.”

I hang up and pull Tex closer. “Who’s the best boy?” I boop his snout and put on the harness. He’s already excited because he knows it’s time for a walk once the harness comes out. When the harness is secure, I hook the leash on and let him wander around the living room, chuckling at him carrying it in his mouth.

We’re not going far today; just to Bake My Day to get some snacks for Tex and me. I grab my phone and pick up the leash before leaving the house.

Tex struts in front of me, wagging his tail and tongue at everyone who passes by. It’s been two days since we left the house, and if I didn’t feel so guilty about Tex not getting enough physical exercise, I probably would have stayed inside.

This is the only downside of having a dog. He won’t let me be depressed in peace. I’m sure my brother knew exactly that, and it’s why he pushed me into getting an emotional support dog so hard.

Maybe it wasn’t really a downside at all.

My thoughts, as they have been lately, wander to Penny. I’m still not sure how to process the fact that she didn’t get married. My emotions are all over the place. I’ve thought of picking up the phone and calling her, but I haven’t mustered the courage to. Every ounce of me wants to rekindle our friendship, but at the same time, I’m afraid to be vulnerable. And if there is anyone who can really see me, it’s her.

I’m still the same Liam who loves Penny as if his life depended on it, but after everything I’ve experienced my view of life is darker. When we were younger, Penny and I were two peas in a pod and always viewed things with a glass half full attitude. I’m afraid that by getting close to her again, with the heaviness that I carry now, I will snuff that light out.

“Hi, sir.”

The voice snaps me out of my haze and I see two little girls standing across the road, giggling and pointing at Tex. “Is that your dog?”


“What’s his name?”

I’m really not in the mood for conversation, but their childlike wonder opens a part of me I thought long gone, so I indulge them.

“His name is Tex.”

“Can we pet him? Please?”

I let out a heavy sigh, but nod.

The girls cross the street excitedly, squealing when Tex wags his tail in expectation. He sits and starts to lick their faces when they reach him, and the girls giggle in delight. I can’t stop the smile that slowly crawls upon my face as I watch the scene in front of me unfold. They are all over him, kissing and petting him, and he enjoys every moment of their attention.

“What breed is he?” One of them beams at me.

“A German Shepherd.”

“I have a Golden Retriever,” she says, still scratching his ears. “And a Tabby cat. My dog’s name is Liam, my cat’s name is Sean.”

“Oh, really?” I chuckle. “Those are both great names. Well we need to head off now. You two have a good day.”

I wave goodbye to the girls and drag Tex away to continue our walk. We’re only a few minutes away from Bake My Day, and my mouth is already watering as I think of the yummy treats I will eat. Seeing Evie will be nice, too.

My gaze catches a beautiful woman across the street, and my mouth goes dry. It’s Penny. She’s in a simple black dress and flats. She’s talking on the phone, so I have every intention of continuing down the street, hoping she doesn’t notice me. My heart is beating like a drum, and there’s no way I’m about to have a conversation with her while I’m in this state.

However, Tex barks, and she looks up. Our gazes clash, and a smile lifts her features before she crosses the street toward us. “Liam!”

“Hey.” I say curtly.

“Hello, Tex.” She crouches before my dog and ruffles his scruff. Tex licks her face and leans into her. I’m unable to take my eyes off her as I watch her play with my dog. Her laughter runs through me, and transforms her pretty face into an exquisite beauty.

When she looks up, our gazes clash again. I feel a tug at my heart, but I don’t want to give in to her magnetic pull over me. If I do, I’ll fall completely, and I’ll never come up for air again.

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