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She reaches across the table to hold my hand, and I almost burst into tears. “If you need to talk, I’m always here.”

Tears burn my eyes, and my heart clenches as Evie continues. “I know you have your reasons for why you did what you did, and at the end of the day, I’m sure everyone will be grateful for your decision. It will most likely take time, though.”

“I pray you’re right, but I’m not so sure.” I laugh. “Andrew hates me. He won’t take my calls or return my texts.”

“He’s hurting.” Evie says. “Healing won’t happen right away; it will take time. But eventually, he will hopefully understand. Try not to beat yourself up, okay?”

“I’ll try,” I smile at her appreciatively. “Thank you so much, Evie. It means a lot.”

She reaches across the table and squeezes my hand.

“And what about Liam? How has he been since he returned home after his deployment?” I can’t stop myself from asking.

A shadow crosses Evie’s eye, but it disappears before I can decipher it. “Slow and steady,” she chuckles, but it isn’t her usual jolly laugh. “It’s been hard for him. Something has changed, and he won’t talk about it.”

“Oh, my.”

“Sean has a connection with an organization that has experience dealing with uniformed men trying to re-acclimatize to civilian life,” she says. “He reached out to support BattleBron Tech when Liam went into the Army. He’s been in touch with them and is doing all he can to help Liam get back to himself. That is how he got his emotional support dog, Tex.”

“I met Tex; he’s a very sweet pup. I’m so glad that Liam has him for support. I’m sure he will be fine, Evie.” It’s my turn to comfort her because I know how much she loves her brother. “Liam is a strong person.”

“You met Tex, huh? Maybe one day you’ll have to tell me how,” She winks at me and gets up. “Okay. I need to see Stacy and return to my shop. See you around?”

“Absolutely.” I wave at her as she leaves. “Thank you again.”

I watch her disappear into the office behind the counter before returning to my coffee, the heaviness on my shoulders feeling lighter.

Chapter 7


“Being home is so much harder than I thought,” Blake continues his rant. We’ve been on the phone for more than ten minutes while he talks in circles and complains. Living through the same feelings, I just listen. Blake and I were on the same team during our service, and he’s also one of the few to have survived.

“When I was deployed, all I could think of was coming back home. Now that I’m home, it’s harder than I thought it would be around my family. I feel they can’t understand what I’ve been through, and I don’t want to burden them.”

I sigh, rising from my couch when the clock hits three. “Have you tried working with a therapist?” I ask, knowing he probably hasn’t. “I saw a therapist as soon as I got back, and it’s helped me.”

“I can’t talk to anyone who isn’t in the military about how I feel,” he answers. “I’ve tried, it just doesn’t work…”

That’s another feeling I can relate to. Surrounded by people who love me, I don’t know why it’s so hard to explain my grief to them. My family is always willing to listen to me, but when I open my mouth, my thoughts freeze, and nothing comes out.

“My brother Sean has a connection that can hook you up with a military therapist,” I suggest.


I grab Tex’s harness from the peg beside my closet and leave the room, searching for him. “Yes,” I tell Blake. “Will that help?”

“I don’t know, man,” he sighs.

“I’ll get you the information, and you decide when you’re ready. Just remember to take it one step at a time,” I add, scanning the living room for my dog.

“One step at a time?” Blake squeaks. “What does that even mean?”

“I don’t know, that’s what my therapist said.”

We both laugh, and Tex runs out of the kitchen toward me, his tail wagging playfully. I run my hand across his side, enjoying how he curls around my feet and licks my toes.

“Thanks, man,” Blake says. “Talking to you always helps.”

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