Page 79 of Filthy Liar

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Helena’s body stills. "A million dollars?"

I nearly groan, because I should not have told her that, but it's too late now. "He paid my father a million dollars to leave me alone."

"Huh." Helena sounds surprised, and I understand. It is shocking. "I would've expected it to be more. I'll have to let him know how impressive his negotiation skills are."

I lean back, because now it's my turn to be surprised. "You knew?"

Helena gives me another sly smile. "Of course I knew. Fynn and I keep very few secrets from each other." Her head tips to one side on a sigh. "It's actually been the reason for a number of his relationships ending."

"I like how close you two are." The admission is hushed, because for some reason I feel like that should be a secret. "I've never been able to be close with my parents, and it makes me happy that he’s so close with you." I press my lips together, but can't stop myself from adding on, "I hoped it would mean maybe I could be close to you too."

Helena smooths down my hair, the touch gentle and motherly and exactly what I need. "That is exactly what it means." Her hand rests on my shoulder as she leans closer, holding my gaze. "And just so you know, the only person who expects you to be perfect, is you, Valerie. We all make mistakes. You and Fynn will say things you don't mean, but the key is to always talk about it. To know both of your feelings are real and valid. To be as ready to apologize as you are to forgive." She wiggles her drawn-on brows at me. "And to do your best to give me lots, and lots of grandchildren."

The last bit is so unexpected that I start to laugh. "I'll see what I can do."

Helena's hands come up to cradle my face. "That is all I can ask for."

I bask in the warmth of her presence for a few seconds longer before blowing out a breath and squaring my shoulders. "I should probably go home."

"You could." Helena's eyes drift to the grandfather clock tucked into one corner. "Or you could wait ten more minutes for my son to come here. I can't imagine he will be able to stand being away from you for much longer than that."

I like her optimism, but I don't share it. My retreat was not a great one, and probably left him feeling the same way it left me. Focused on how much more I'd fucked up than he had.

But hopefully he feels the same way his mother does about apologies and forgiveness, because I'm ready to apologize my brains out. If I'm lucky, maybe he can do half that much forgiving.

"I'll go home. He was making me dinner, and I didn't get the chance to eat any of it." I hesitate just a second longer, putting every bit of sincerity I possess into my next words. "Thank you. So much."

"You don't have to thank me, darling." Helena pats my face before dropping her hands. "This is what mothers are for."

My throat tightens, because that hasn't been my experience, but maybe it will be moving forward. And I'm sure as fuck moving forward.

Helena walks me to the elevator, giving me a wave as the doors close. By the time I reach the lobby, my shoulders are straighter, and my chin is lifted, head held high. I can do this. I will do this. I've spent an entire life proving my value and worth and ability to others.

Now I'm going to prove it to myself.

I march out the front doors and onto the sidewalk, turning toward home. I'm ready to see Fynn. I'm ready to fix this. I'm ready to—

Brakes squeal beside me, making me sidestep, a little worried someone is about to jump the curb. When I look over, a dark car with blacked out windows has come to a stop directly beside me. The back door flies open and a strange man jumps out, his slitted gaze fixed on where I stand. I suck in a breath, preparing to scream as he rushes me, but I don't manage to make a single sound before his hand clamps over my mouth and his arm hooks around my waist, squeezing tight enough to hurt as he drags me into the car with him. I tumble across the seat, kicking and scratching mindlessly as the vehicle lurches forward.

But all the fight drains out of me when the person in the passenger’s side turns to smirk at me between the seats. "Hello, Valerie."



I OPEN MY door to find Gavin staring back at me, expression full of sympathy. "She's not back yet, huh?"

"No." I turn away, leaving him to follow me inside. "She's not."

I didn't expect Valerie to return straight away, but I was hoping my mother would let me know she was safe. However, it's been over two hours and I've heard nothing. If I were a braver sort, I’d phone my mother for confirmation my hunch on Valerie’s destination was correct.

But it would seem I'm a coward, because instead, I've been sulking around my apartment, wallowing in my own misery.

"I'm sure she'll be back." Gavin closes the door before crossing my living room, finding his way to the overstuffed armchair he frequents. "I can't imagine she'll stay pissed long, and then she'll come back acting like nothing ever happened."

I turn to my neighbor, cocking a brow. "You really have never been in a relationship of any sort, have you?"

Gavin purses his lips, tipping his head from side to side. "Define relationship."

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