Page 63 of Filthy Liar

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She nods. “Okay.”

I lift my brows. “I mean it, Val. No coming out of this room. No matter what happens, understand?”

Again she nods and I have to take her word for it. After pressing a quick kiss to her forehead, I follow the same path Elaine and Sylvia just took, pulling the door to my office closed behind me as I greet the two police officers in the small lobby. “Gentlemen.”

I put on my most regretful face. “I apologize for bringing you here. There was a misunderstanding, but it’s been cleared up now.”

One of the cops seems more than ready to take my explanation at face value and has his hand on the mic at his neck when the other speaks up.

“The person who called said there was some sort of altercation that happened.” He looks me over. “That a woman attacked you.”

Bless Brian for the relatively vague explanation. I’ll have to give him another raise. “It was a verbal attack.” I hold my arms out. “As you can see I’m unharmed.” I scan the less convinced man’s left hand, before taking a shot in the dark. “It was an ex who recently discovered I’ve married and was displeased since I hadn’t offered to marry her.”

The skeptical one maintains his serious expression a second longer before finally shaking his head. “They can get wild over that kind of thing, can’t they?” He holds one hand my way, bringing the rubber wedding band he’s sporting closer. “But good on you for not marrying her anyway. I know lots of guys who gave into the pressure.”

I smile, happy my hunch was right. “Not you though.”

Any man who goes out of his way to keep a sign of matrimony in place—even if it’s simply a piece of plastic—is a man who wants people to know he’s married.

He smiles, pride straightening his shoulders. “Not me. My wife’s an angel.”

“Make sure you tell her that.” I slap him on the shoulder, using the move to urge him to the door. “Women love hearing how amazing we find them.”

He lifts a brow at me. “Yeah?”

I’m a little surprised this isn’t common knowledge. “Absolutely.” I lean in, lowering my voice like I’m sharing a secret. “Tell her she’s a good girl. See what happens.”

“Thanks for the tip.” He purses his lips, thinking on it a second before turning to his partner, then back to me. “I’m glad the situation worked out.”

“Me too.” I nod and continue smiling as they leave, waiting until they’re on the lift before going to collect my disobedient, but still perfectly perfect, wife from my office. When I open the door, I stop at the sight of her standing behind the desk, my still charging phone gripped in one hand.

Her skin is pale as she stares at the screen.

“Val?” I rush to her side, uncertain what could be wrong. “Darling?”

She turns the phone my way, revealing the photo I snapped of her just after the ceremony yesterday that now serves as my wallpaper. “This is me.”

“Of course it’s you.” I gently take the phone from her. “You’re my wife.” I tap in the passcode, keeping it aimed her way as I select the numbers so she can see the order. “I changed this to our wedding date, so keep that in mind if you ever need to open it for any reason.”

She doesn’t watch what I’m doing, just stares at me as if I’ve grown a second head. Instead of waiting for her to respond, I collect my bag and sling it over one shoulder before taking her hand in mine. “Let’s get you somewhere I won’t have to worry about someone snatching you away. I have no desire to be fully grey before I’m forty.”



YAWNING, I STRETCH both arms over my head, lengthening my legs and spreading my toes wide as I attempt to force myself to fully wake up. I’m wickedly comfortable, and I hate to give it up.

I'm also not necessarily thrilled to take on this day.

Not because I don't think I'll enjoy spending it with Fynn’s mother—I’m pretty sure of the opposite actually—but because I'm not so confident she’ll enjoy spending it with me. I know she says she doesn't mind having Fynn and me here, but this morning it's not Fynn and me. Fynn left for work early this morning, needing to deal with some developments that have come out of everyone in Sweet Side discovering he's married, so I'm the only one here.

And even though I spent the better part of yesterday evening with Fynn and his mother, I'm still not entirely comfortable with my place here. Especially considering I accidentally passed out on the couch ten minutes into watching a movie. I guess attacking your husband’s vengeful ex can take a lot out of a girl.

But feeling awkward around Fynn’s mother isn't the only thing to come out of my accidental early night. Crashing at barely eight o’clock also meant I didn't get to spend any quality time with Fynn. Or hear him tell me what a great job I did standing up to Jessica while he fucked me senseless.

It would seem that after years of very little physical interaction with the opposite sex, now that I've broken the seal on my vagina, I want Fynn filling it at every opportunity. And I'm not even a little sorry about it.

But I will be sorry if Fynn’s mother thinks I'm rude, so I drop my legs over the edge of the bed and force myself upright, raking one hand through my hair as I head for the bathroom. It takes me about fifteen minutes to make myself presentable, and then I’m quietly stepping out into the hall, uncertain where my first stop should be.

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