Page 62 of Filthy Liar

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"Sylvia?" Valerie steps out from behind me, her eyes wide as they lock on the older woman. "What are you doing here?"

Sylvia's face splits into a wide smile as she slaps her hands together. "Hot damn." She goes straight for Val, giving her a tight hug as if they are old friends. "Are you the one the cops are here to talk to?"

One of Elaine's brows angles as she looks from me to where her mother still holds onto Val.

Valerie leans back, giving Sylvia a tight smile. "There was sort of an incident."

Elaine's eyes come back my way. "An incident?"

Valerie's lips press together, making it clear she’s not going to be explaining further, and that has me pulling her close. Yet again she has my back, refusing to put any more of my business out there for public consumption.

But Elaine is different, and I need her help, so I won't be holding much of anything back from her. "Jessica discovered I've married."

Elaine's lips twitch, hinting at a smile. "I gather that went over well."

I smooth one hand down Valerie's ponytail, wrapping it around my fingers. "As well as you would expect." I tip my head. "On the plus side, she did admit she lied, making everything up in an attempt to get back at me for being unwilling to progress our relationship at a speed she was happy with."

Elaine studies me a second. "And exactly why were the police called?"

I glance at the door, ensuring no one else is close enough to hear. "My wife wasn't thrilled with Jessica’s attitude toward me, and at one point her fists may or may not have come into contact with the bridge of Jessica's nose."

Sylvia's head falls back and she howls with laughter. The sound is gleeful and loud and has her grabbing my wife for another hug, forcing me to release the hold I have on her. She rocks Valerie from side to side, squeezing tight. "I knew I liked you." She leans back, patting the side of Valerie's face. "It's always the sweet ones they never see coming."

Valerie seems to stand taller under Sylvia's attention, and I'm a little jealous that I'm not the one showering her with praise. I'm not normally selfish, but I'd like to be selfish with Valerie.

Yet another reason it's time for me to take her home.

But Elaine steps in my path, lowering her voice. "I would find a way to ensure the police don't talk to her." Her expression is serious. "Her name shouldn't be brought up, because it will become a part of the public record if it is." Her eyes bore into mine. "And if someone is looking for her, that will make their job so much easier."

My chest tightens, and I put my eyes on Valerie, afraid something will happen if I'm not watching. "And do we have confirmation someone is looking for her?"

Elaine tucks her chin in a small nod. "We do, but I'm hoping I was able to throw them off her trail. I spoke with the man who paid you a visit and he was able to touch base with some people from his organization in Las Vegas. They were more than happy to drop word of a few potential sightings there."

"I appreciate it immensely." Sifting back through her words, a few make me pause. "His organization?"

Elaine gives me a serene smile. "That's right." She reaches out to pat the center of my chest in a motherly fashion. "There's more than one way to do bad things, Mr. Hadaway." She turns to where her mother is whispering to Valerie. “Are you ready to go to Grant’s office?”

Sylvia gives Valerie a pat on the shoulder. “Yep.” She faces me, expression turning to a scowl. “At least he’ll have coffee.”

“I might not have coffee, but I do have biscuits.” I pull Valerie against my side again, holding her close. “Unless you’re also opposed to those.”

Sylvia’s eyes narrow behind her glasses. “By biscuits, you mean cookies, right?”

I give her a small nod. “I mean cookies.”

She lifts her chin, looking me over. “I guess I can forgive the coffee thing if I get cookies.” She starts to leave but stops to turn back my way. “Just so you know, I’m taking two.”

Never would I have paired this woman with Elaine, let alone connected them as mother and daughter. She’s rowdy and openly obstinate and, based on our shared time at the beach, has terrible taste in alcohol.

But I think she’ll be a great influence on Valerie. My wife could benefit from seeing someone who doesn’t give a shit what anyone else thinks of them.

“Take as many as you’d like.” I step toward her, bringing Val along with me. “We’re staying with my mother for the next while. You should come by for a visit if you’re in the area.” I give her my best smile. “I can make sure there is coffee as well as cookies.”

While Val could use the influence, my mother could use the entertainment. It will be a win-win. Plus, I want to keep Valerie fresh in Elaine’s mind. I need her to be as committed to keeping my new wife safe as I am.

Sylvia matches my smile. “You’re persuasive.” She wiggles her brows at my wife. “Now I see how he got you to marry him.” Her expression hardens as she turns back to me. “Cause it’s sure as hell not because he makes a good cup of coffee.” Sylvia laughs at her own joke as she follows Elaine out the door of my office.

When they’re out of sight I turn to Val, lowering my voice. “I want you to stay in here while I talk to the police.”

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