Page 37 of Filthy Liar

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I angle my face so our eyes meet. "Are you sure?"

She gives me a sly smile. "I don’t have any problem running out of a wedding, remember?"

I hold her eyes, an odd sense of warmth heating my chest. "I remember." After holding her gaze a second longer, I tip my head at the justice of the peace, indicating she can continue.

In under ten minutes, Valerie and I are married and our marriage certificate is signed and taken to be filed.

Arny claps enthusiastically, tears edging his eyes. I still haven't completely forgiven him for the stunt he pulled with Valerie's flowers, but I suppose I should. It did work out in my favor. I've got a lovely, sweet wife who doesn't object to being seduced in the storage closet of a restaurant. And the glares of hatred that normally come my way when I’m in public have turned to expressions of shock and confusion.

All in all, a bloody good day. With the exception of one thing.

After embracing Valerie, Arny grabs me in a hug, gripping my shoulders after to hold me at arm’s length. "Have you told your mother?"

Valerie's eyes jump to my face and her skin pales.

Fucking Arny.

I shake my head. "Not yet."

Arny makes a tsk-ing sound as his hands drop from my shoulders. "You have to tell her, and you need to do it today. The longer you wait, the more upset she's going to be."

That's not entirely true, because I hadn't intended on telling my mother at all. Valerie hasn't put a time limit on our arrangement, but I can't imagine it would take more than six months to a year. Between doctors’ appointments and her many businesses, my mother has plenty to keep her occupied and distracted. And plenty to worry about besides my fraud of a marriage.

"We could tell her now." Valerie’s offer is soft and hesitant. Like she's just as unexcited about the prospect as I am. "Maybe video chat her?" Her dark brows pinch together. "What time is it in London?"

Arny's forehead wrinkles as he looks from me to Valerie then back to me again. "Have you told your new wife anything about your life?"

I think I'm going to have to find a new florist. And a new friend. Because Arny is fucking me over sideways. "Shouldn't you go back to work?"

Arny's brows lift, his eyes narrowing as they move to where Valerie still stands close at my side, her hand clasped in mine. "You might want to play twenty questions with this one, Val. So you know what you've gotten yourself into."

To my surprise and shock, Valerie gives him a wide and genuine looking smile. "I'm not worried about it." Her gaze flicks to me before going back to Arny. "Everybody has secrets."

Well that's a fucking interesting thing to say, and it has me thinking maybe I’m the one who should be playing twenty questions with my new wife.

Arny's lips twitch into a hint of a smile. "So they do." He gives Val a little pat on the shoulder as he leans in to press a kiss to her cheek. "Call me so I can set up a standing delivery for you." He takes a step back. "I'm sure you'll deserve weekly flowers for putting up with this one." He gives me a wink and a grin before turning and leaving the small room.

Valerie smiles at Arny’s retreating back. "I really like him."

"I'm not sure I do," I grumble.

Val is quiet a second before she turns to me, her dark eyes questioning as they move over my face. "Are you close to your mother?"

My answer is going to be truthful, but frequently goes over poorly. "Yes. Very."

My closeness with my mother has been an issue in many relationships in the past. For many years we only had each other, so it's likely we became somewhat codependent. At this point though, we genuinely enjoy each other and I tell her everything.

Almost everything it would seem.

Valerie doesn't look disappointed at my admission. "Really?" There's an oddly hopeful edge to her question.

“Really." I blow out a long breath, because Arny is right and I know what I have to do. "And she will fucking love you." I pull my hand from Valerie's to rest it against her lower back as I urge her through the door. "As soon as she gets over the shock of discovering I'm married."

VAL IS CLOSE at my side as we step out of the lift and into the foyer of my mother's penthouse. When it is Nicholas who greets us instead of my mother, I stop, fully intending to turn around and leave.

Nicholas picks up on my reaction and comes to put his arm around my shoulders. "Come in. Your mother is resting. She overdid a little yesterday, so I ordered her to take a nap, but she's just waking up and should be out in a minute."

Valerie studies my face as we move across the marble tile of the entry, brows pinched together in concern. As soon as we reach the sitting room, Nicholas abandons me and moves to her, reaching out one hand. "And who is this lovely girl?"

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