Page 76 of Fallen Rider

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I don’t even think about it. I nod.

His mouth descends on mine. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”

Rabbit appears at the bottom of the corridor and Dane doesn’t move away from me. He keeps one hand pressed against the wall above my head.


“That dickhead private investigator is at the gate.”

I roll my eyes. Does he never give up?

“Tell Logan or Dean,” I mouth at him. He nods and disappears into the common room. My brother is going to bury this guy if he doesn’t back off. Then again, we’ve survived worse than some idiot man snooping around. We can survive this too.

Logan emerges from the room a moment later, Dean and Jem on his heels. His mouth is pulled into a snarl.

“Need back up?” Dane asks.

“Nope. We’re just going to put the fear of God into this little prick once and for all.”

My stomach twists at his words, but I don’t want to know the details of what they’re going to do. The less I know the better, in fact. I cling to Dane’s kutte, keeping him in place, although I don’t miss the mischievous look Jem throws in my direction as he passes.


I stare up at my handsome man and I smile. Then I sign slowly, “I can’t wait to start our lives together.”

He dips his head and presses his mouth to mine. “I love you, Mackenzie Harlow.”

“I love you, too.”I sign the words.

Then he kisses me again like I’m his reason for breathing. Maybe I am, because he sure as shit is mine.

We head back into the room hand-in-hand and sit together at the table. The girls make room for us and looks are exchanged as they do. Jamie gives me a thumbs up while Sofia grins at me.

The clinking of a glass has everyone’s attention going to Derek who is standing in the middle of the common room, tapping a spoon off his pint glass.

The room falls silent.

“We’re here today to remember our fallen brother. Lucas might not have taken the patch fully, but he was part of the Saxons’ family, nevertheless.”

I glance over at Rabbit and King, our two remaining prospects, who look sombre. They will have been closest to the man, all sharing the prospect status at the same time.

“Let’s toast to Lucas!”

We all raise our glasses, bottles, whatever we’re drinking from and yell, ‘to Lucas’.

When the noise subsides, Derek says, “I wanted to talk to you about something else, and maybe now isn’t the best time to do it, but while I have everyone here, I need to.”

Icy chunks sit in my belly at the seriousness of his tone.

“I’m stepping down as president.”

A collective gasp goes around the room and the chatter begins immediately. Derek holds a hand up and silence resumes.

“I don’t make this decision lightly, but some of you may have noticed I haven’t been myself lately. It’s because I have early onset dementia.” Another gasp goes around the room. I feel like the rug has been pulled from under my legs. Derek can’t have dementia. He’s always so… Derek.

“It’s only in the early stages, but it’s going to get worse. If this last year has taught me anything, it’s that leadership is important and good leadership is imperative. The boys’ll vote in a new president in the next few weeks and I’ll step back.”

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